
6月, 2013の投稿を表示しています


It's been six months since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held office. He is a good-looking man and doing well as far as the relationships with America is concerned. Then he cooked up a modern word "Abeno-Mix" to get into hearts of the Japanese people. But I doubt, if "Abeno-Mix" works out. There are three reasons for that. First of all, the word "Abeno-Mix" is just named after "Regano-Mix". In 1980's US President Ronald Regan put various economic policies into action and led America successfully  to an unprecedented Super-Power that exceeds the Soviet Union. That's the whole meaning of Regano-Mix. On the contrary the Japanese are not convinced that Mr Abe is like President Regan, unless he shows them  a concrete, articulate and down-to earth domestic policy. There's no time to be infatuated with his own play-on-words. Even before the election campaign he should get this out in the open and refer to the revision of consti

Do You Want to be a Vegan?

Today I'd like to talk about a new eating style in Germany. My speech consists of the following three cornerstones. 1. First, introduction of a Vegan in Germany 2. Then, an analysis of a Vegan by a Swiss specialist 3. Finally, my opinion on a Vegan 1. As you all know that vegetarians eat nothing but vegetables. They don't like eating meat, because animals are killed in the slaughter house. On the contrary a Vegan goes one step further. They avoid not only animal stemmed food products but also milk, egg and honey. (Isn't that going too far?) Moreoever they often give up on clothing made of wool, fur, leather and feather . They ciriticize the massed production of keeping cattle, pigs and chicken on a farm. Because that generates carbon dioxide and methane. A large amount of water is also down the drain when they keep these animals. They are to some extent motivated from a desire to be healthy on one hand, environment-friendly and animal-friendly on the other