Do You Want to be a Vegan?

Today I'd like to talk about a new eating style in Germany.
My speech consists of the following three cornerstones.
1. First, introduction of a Vegan in Germany
2. Then, an analysis of a Vegan by a Swiss specialist
3. Finally, my opinion on a Vegan

1. As you all know that vegetarians eat nothing but vegetables. They don't like eating meat, because animals are killed in the slaughter house. On the contrary a Vegan goes one step further. They avoid not only animal stemmed food products but also milk, egg and honey. (Isn't that going too far?)
Moreoever they often give up on clothing made of wool, fur, leather and feather.
They ciriticize the massed production of keeping cattle, pigs and chicken on a farm. Because that generates carbon dioxide and methane. A large amount of water is also down the drain when they keep these animals. They are to some extent motivated from a desire to be healthy on one hand, environment-friendly and animal-friendly on the other.

2. When you become a Vegan one day, you'll have to eat Soybean-Yogurt, Cucumber-Burger and Soybean-Steak.
But according to a nutrition-conscious-analysis conducted by a Swiss mentor, Claudia Goatish, it lacks in fundamental sources for a specified amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. To get things straighten up, you'll have to add various vegetables and various fruits. (That explains itself.) On top of that it is strictly forbidden that a Vegan drinks milk. They hate to see cows die at  the early age of just five years old, because the cows are exploited by the milking-machine every day. Without milk, it follows that you're exposed to a calcium defect. To get rid of it, you'll have to gulp down Coconuts Milk, mineral water and Broccoli juice. Meanwhile you'll get into a vicious circle that you'll have to always add something nutritious.  The process is toilsome and endless. (Only the stubborn Germans can make it.)  Chances are you'll end up paying a lot of money for the foodstuffs. I wonder if a Vegan can make ends meet at the end of each month.

3. I have heard that quite a few Japanese vegetarians died of a stroke, because the food lacked in nutrients. Unlike the Chinese the Japanese are actually animal-friendly. We don't kill animals on a whim.
Unlike the Germans, we don't like wearing clothing made of wool, fur and leather. We have always enough sunshine throughout the year.
At this point I would say that it's a German rhetoric that they want to be a Vegan and  at the same time to contribute to something enviroment-friendly.
If I were a Vegan, I would eat up front Japanese Natto and Tofu. The both stemms from soybeans. They are in full of nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and sodium. But they lack in calcium. ( Ouch!)
Then I would add something like Jogurt and mineral water to make up for the calcium defect.
Meanwhile I learned something enlightening from  a Vegan.
Soybeans made in Hokkaido, Japan are yummy while the sobybeans made in China ...yucky!
When I buy foodstuffs in the supermarket, I make a point of checking the label.
I think that is important since Japan depends on importing soybeans from China, Canada and the U.S.A.

4. Conclusion:
Finally I'd like to leave you with this one last thought:
Although I don't want to be a Vegan, the German way to live a Vegan hit home for me.
I'm sure that it will have a tremendous influence on me and my health.

Thanks a lot , Claudia. You look gorgeous today!



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