The Six Signals All Audiences Want to Hear

Singal number one: "I will not waste  your time"
Thank you, Tim for that gracious introduction, and good morning everyone, I'd like to begin (signal) my brief remarks (reinforcing signal) by asking all of you to consider where we'd be today without modern, computerized banking.

Good evening. I know you are all anxious (signal) to hear from our guest speaker tonight, so I'll just tell you one or two things (reinforcing signal) I don't think you know about him.

As you know, my subject this morning is fire prevention. In a few seconds (signal), I'm going to give you the three cornerstones of good fire safety (reinforcing signal). But first, I'd like to tell you a true story about a boy, a dog, and a box of matches...

Signal number two: "I know who you are".At first Widget Bank, we have many retail merchant clients (signal) who, like you (reinforcing signal) have severe cash-flow problems.

Signal number three: "Here's how my speech is organized".
There are two sides (signal) to the cash flow problems-ours and yours-and I want to spend a few moments discussing each with you before turning to a possible solution (signal) for both of us.

I've been asked many times about the eccentricities of our star pitcher, Jigs O'Daferty. there are hundreds of stories I could tell you about Jigs; but since you're all connected with the grocery field, I've chosen three stories-one involving a banana, another a box of cereal, and a third about a head of lettuce.

Signal number four: "I know my subject."
On our side of the cash-flow problem, we have the responsibility to clear your deposited checks as quickly as modern technology will allow-and that's where my job comes in. The programs our computer uses to do this are my personal (signal) responsibility. This means that I must be on constant guard to insure (reinforcing signal) that our elctronic capabilities are being properly matched to your needs.

My topic this evening is how to maintain proper depth-of-field while composing pictures in grab-shot situations. As all of us know (signal), zoom lenses, with their restricted maximum apertures, are not ideal for shooting in low-light situations. And in my line of work (reinforcing signal), you never know when just such a situation will suddenly arise.

I have three points to cover this morning (organization signal), and each will take about five minutes (time signal). But first, let me take a few seconds (reinforce time signal) to tell you about a phone call I recieved last week from our director of communications.

Signal number five: "Here is my most important point".
If you don't take anything else away from my talk today, I hope you'll get this one (signal). It is in fact, the key thought (reinforcing signal) in all of this that I hope you'll bear in mind in the future. Here it is (reinforcing signal) that I came here to deliver:
What I'm building up to, of course, is that only one conclusion (signal) can be reached from the evidence and perhaps- and you've reached the same conclusion (reinforcing signal) yourself...

Signal number six: "I am finished."
 I want to leave you with this one last thought.....
You've been a great audience, and before I take my exit bow, I'd like to show my appreicaition by ..(giving you my thought for the day; scharing a little "inside story"; etc.,)

My thanks to Joe Green for inviting me to participate in the program today, and my special thanks to you. Not only have you been a great audience, but you've made my stay with you a delightful experience in every way. Thanks again, and have a terrific convention...

Conclude Conclusively!



Friendly Club