Blog about tinnitus

It's been three years since I started writing a blog about ringing in ears. But I made an announcement that I would quit writing it by the end of this year.
Then I got feedback from a strange  chap who allegedly had sleeping diseases.
Hello Min-Min-Onkel, I have been suffering from insomnia for a long time. Looking back on the onset, it was induced by ringing in ears. At that time the medicine by the name of "Stomin" turned down the noise to some extent. In the course of time the doctor prescribed "Lendormin" which also worked out. It had a pleasant effect on my sleep. All of a sudden the ringing sound is so loud that drives me crazy. I can't sleep a wink night after night. I rushed to the doctor and begged him to get my my problem settled.
To my surprise he got angry and yelled at me like Yakuza, "I can't give you medicine anymore. Call on some other practitioners, if you want to. You should be satisfied with the fact that you can sleep every other nights." His remarks was so scary. Now I'm worried that I won't be able to get even sleeping pills even if I visit other doctors. Then I went to a mental hospital out of despair. To my regrets, he didn't help me out, either. Keeping awake a whole night is horrible. Life means nothing to me. From time to time I consider killing myself. Do you know any other patients who have the similar symptoms?
If I sleep well, it's a day of heaven. If I don't, it's a day of hell.
I wrote in reply to his comment:
"What the doctor says is in a way right. I don't think we die even if we can not sleep a couple of nights.
The key is that "Don't get obsessed with the idea of insomnia. The more you try to sleep, the more you end up being awake. Maybe you shoud pay attention to your daily work".



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