Encountering Nature Part 3

Good morning, everyone!
Today I'd like to talk about relationships between nature and health.
For years I suffer from tinnitus or ringing sounds in ears and in the head as well.
My tinnitus drives me crazy when I stay alone in the high-rise apartment. I believe the air pressure of the 20th floor's height has a bad effect  on my ear-ringing.
My doctor says that my disease is incurable; All you have to do is to learn to live with tinnitus.
Now I'm going to tell you how I deal with this obstinate disease.
Every morning I go shopping to a supermarket to buy fruits, vegetables, Cokes and snacks for my family. That's a good excercise for my blood circulation.
After that I drop in "Doutor" to drink an iced coffee that costs me 220 Yen. When I hear rock and roll music in the 1970s in the cafe, it kind of heals me. You know, music therapy works out.
I make it a point of taking a German book with me. I try to read at least half a page to get accustomed to the language. If I am absorbed in catching up on my reading, I sometimes forget tinnitus.
In the afternoon I go out of the aparmtent to a park near the Okawa River. To distract my attention on tinnitus, I sit on the bench and hear various kinds of sounds.
If I look up in the sky I see an airplane with a shrieking loud noise descending towards the Itami Airport. This happens every 10 minutes.
Then I hear all kinds of birds chirping. Up in the trees I see jet-black ravens and hear them croaking "Kah" "Kah". Especially in summer I hear cicadas generating sounds "Min Min" or "Gee Gee".
On the ground I see piegeions perching and hear them "Guru", "Guru".
Strangely when these animals' sounds resonate with ringing in ears, I feel at home. I am totally relaxed.
Out of thin air appeared a black stray cat.
At first she was hesitant and ran away from me. Over time she could tell that I am a good old chap. I named her "Lily" after Suzan. Instantly we became friends. All of a sudden I looked at the other side of the river. An  amphibious sight-seeing bus was about to jump in the water. I took a photo of it.
Then Lily mewed as if she was asking me a question, "Why are you grinning?"
I replied to her, "I'm looking at love hotels in the far background. Come to think of it, Sakuranomiya is full of love hotels as the region is close to entertaining spots named Kita-Shichi.
In summary I'd like to say Nature really heals me. Nature has positive effects on my health. There's no doubt about it.



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