False Report

A couple of weeks ago I left Minoo at 11:30 as usual and arrived at my condominum exactly at 13:00.
I was surprised to see all the three elevators were not in operation. The front desk manager said that they would repair the elevators until 14:30 Therefore I  had to climb up the stairs all the way up to the 20th floor. When I reached my apartment, I was so exhausted that I wanted to take a nap.
On the spur of the moment, there was an annoucement over the speaker. It says, "Fire! Fire" The fire broke out on the 14th floor. Please proceed to the emergency exit and calm down while you are evacuating." They made the same annoucement over and over again. My wife didn't think about it seriously. But I was frantic. I dashed out to the elevator hall where I met Mrs. Lawyer who also lives on the 20th floor. She said she would check out on the 14th floor and went down the emergecy stairs. All of a sudden the annoucement has been changed. It says, "Fire! Fire" The fire broke out on the 18th floor." I looked at a flight of stairs downwards and cried, "Mrs. Lawyer, it's dangerous over there.Come back here!" But she was nowhere to be seen. At first I didn't have the guts to go down the stairs. I chickened out and came back to my apartment and pushed the interphone button of the door. No answer. I wondered what happened to my wife. I was desperate. Then I took a deep breath and  decided to check out on the 18th floor by myself. When I sneaked into the 18th floor, I found no fire, no flame, not a soul on the corridor nor the elevator hall. Everything is still. I wanted to tell my wife about this right away. So, I dragged up to the 20th floor and this time banged at the door of my apartment. Still no answer. I thought something horrible has happened to my wife.
Meanwhile I noticed the elevators were going up and down. I jumped into the elevator on the 20th floor. It was so scary when I went through the 18th floor. I thought I would be entangled by fire and flame. Because they made the same annoucement even in the elevator.
Jesus Christ! Nothing happened. I rushed to the front desk. Out of thin air my wife appeared. I was relieved to see her. But as soon as she saw me, she got angry with me, because I was wearing a shabby-looking corduroy and sandals.
The front desk manager explained to us, "It was a false report due to the regular elevator inspection".
Back in my apartment, my wife confided to me that she left the apartment immerdiately after she heard  the latest announcement, that is "Fire on the 18th floor!". Then she went down the emergency stairs all the way to the first floor.
The next day she complained to me that her back and feet ached a lot. Well, it serves her right!
Come to think of it, running down the stairs must be much more hard work than going up.



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