Japanisch-Deutschen Gesellschaft Kobe

Last Saturday I visited Japan-Germany Association in Kobe to brush up on my German. As usual about 10 participants gathered and sat at a table ( "Stammtisch") to speak German freely.
The topic was about "Where in Germany would you show Japanese tourists around, if you were a tourist guide?" Wow, Most of the participants travelled around places like Berlin, Muenchen, Heidelberg, Bremen and Hamburg.
 Popular sightseeing places for the Japanese are "Neuschwanstein Caslte" in the romantic street, Berlin Wall and  Oktoberfest in Muenchen.
As far as Neuschweinstein is concerned, it is interesting to know that it took 17 years for Ludwig der zweite to build the Neuschwanstein castle. But he actually  lived there only for one year.
According to a middle aged German woman, one of the participants, most Germans won't visit these sightseeing places where the Japanese hang around. Unlike the Japanese, they enjoy visiting a Christmas market in Nuerunberg, Toy Museum in Freiburg and Zoos in Berlin.
Since I have been to Germany once, I talked about "Overnight guide to Nuernberg".  In Amsterdam Airport I was waiting for the next plane for Nuernberg . But it was suddenly cancelled. I panicked. I was forced to arrive in Muenchen at midnight.
From Muenchen by the courtsy of KLM Airways I was taken by bus to Nuernberg Airport.
Finally I arrived at Inter City Hotel in front of Nuernberg Station at 4 o'clock in the morning.  The employee at the front desk turned out to be an Italian. He insisted that I show him a creditcard, although I have had the voucher with me. He thoght that I might as well enjoy watching video films that depict beautiful German girls. At four o'lclock in the morning, watch stripteasers? Nein danke.
Before the meeting I wrote just keywords in my notebook. I'm glad that I was able to get across my message to other participants off the cuff. There are a lot of grammatical mistakes in my speech, though.



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