
12月, 2013の投稿を表示しています

Coffee and Tea around the World (German Speak-up -Club)

On the 21st of December one German couple and 10 other Japanese took part in a discussion. The topic was all of a sudden changed. The former topic was about "What do we expect the new German Goverment?" We were supposed to talk about the German Prime Minister Merkels new policies, such as Euro crisis, energy turnaround and its dipolomatic relations with other European countries. The new topic: "Coffee and Tea around the World." First of all the discussion leader breifly touched on the history of coffee beans. In the ancient Arabian countries coffee beans were used as medicine to prevent from sleeping. Probably it's due to the religeious reasons. They have the custome to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. During this period they have to go through a fast time. In other words they have to pray for God day and night without eating. They'd have to stay up until wee hours in the morning. I am afraid I don't know if this story is true or not. But anyway coffee wa

Unforgettable Incident

On the 20th of August I went to see my sister in Tokyo. I was supposed to taker her to the hospital the next day. In the evening my sister took me out for dinner in a restarant near the station. On the way to the restaurant I was surprised to see my sister's shoulders tilted on one end. In other words, the position of her left shoulder is higher than the other one. Moreover I noticed she walked rather slowly. After dinner we we went her home. She was busy filling out applying forms for the French newsweekly magazine, "Le Mond". To my surprise she had already written three letters and addresses on the envelopes. Now she's confused which one is the correct one to be sent to the newspaper company. She asked me a lot of questions and what should she do about it. Since it was written in French words, I didn't know what to do, either. Meanwhile she started asking me the same questions over and over, "Like this? Like this? Like this?" I was getting sick and ti

Opposites Attract

"Why don't young Japanese women want to marry earlier these days?" That was the lastet topic about which I was supposed to discuss at Japan-Germany-Speaking-Club. Unfortunately I coudn't take part in the meeting, because I was under the weather. In my opinion, there are three reasons for this trend. 1. Younger women earn money these days. So they are on their own to some extent. 2. They want to marry a man who is willing to share housework. 3. They yearn for the marriage, as long as they can find a good man. Then what is the definition of "good man"? 1.They must be taller guys 2. They must be good lookers. 3. They graduate from a prestigious university. 4. They earn a bunch of money. 5. They shoud show concern about women. Incidentlly 40-50 year old single women always have a date. It doesn't matter whether he' s married or not. I obtained the information from a 70-year-old woman named Mrs. Ishibashi who presides over "Harry Potter