Opposites Attract

"Why don't young Japanese women want to marry earlier these days?" That was the lastet topic about which I was supposed to discuss at Japan-Germany-Speaking-Club. Unfortunately I coudn't take part in the meeting, because I was under the weather.

In my opinion, there are three reasons for this trend.
1. Younger women earn money these days. So they are on their own to some extent.
2. They want to marry a man who is willing to share housework.
3. They yearn for the marriage, as long as they can find a good man.

Then what is the definition of "good man"?
1.They must be taller guys
2. They must be good lookers.
3. They graduate from a prestigious university.
4. They earn a bunch of money.
5. They shoud show concern about women. Incidentlly 40-50 year old single women always have a date. It doesn't matter whether he' s married or not.
I obtained the information from a 70-year-old woman named Mrs. Ishibashi who presides over "Harry Potter Readers Club" on Tuesdays in this classroom.
She also wokrs as a part-time marriage counselor. Well, what do you think about this topic?

Finally I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I married my wife at the age of 27. She was then 28.
We used to see each other at Okonomiyaki-ya in Kashiwara City, Osaka. Sometimes I was invited to her house and drank whiskey, vodka and beer in the livingroom. I met her mother when she served alcoholic drinks. She was an outgoing type. My wife looked very much like her. On the contrary I am an introvert type. Since my father was a strict professor specializing in  ethics and phylosophy, none of my frineds dropped in my house and said "Hi Kinko, how are you doing?"(my nick name at school). I yearned for a family where many friends come to and get together. Looking back on our 40-year-marriage, my wife invited many friends, company colleagues and relatives. We had a lot of fun. In this respect my intuition was right. Why did I get along with her? I woud say "Opposites Attract."



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