
5月, 2015の投稿を表示しています


Good morning, everyone. As I promised, today I'm going to talk about mutil-lingual's benefits of the language learning. Before I go into that I have two points to cover. In the afternoon of the 17th of May I went to an elemnetary school nearby to cast my vote against integrating Osaka Prefecture with Osaka City. Actually I haven't gone to the polls for a long time. Because I'm not interested in  politics. On the contrary my wife and my daughter are against the policy of Osaka Mayor, Mr. Hashimoto, as he's cut drastically costs for cultural matters, such as museums, orchestra and ballet. To be honest with you my wife bribed me, or rather she gave me one thousand Yen on that morning. She said, "Go to the polls and vote against Hashimoto." As you all know that I'm an obedient hen-pecked husband. I just did what my wife told me to. Unfortunately within the Kita-District in Osaka City the affirmative votes exceeded the negative ones.But the results of

A New Patient for My Favorite Dentist

At last my wife went to my favorite dentist on Tuesday afternoon last week. It was a raniy day because of the Taifun, though. For years my wife used to go to the dentist in the neighborhood. All of a sudden he insisted that my wife needed treatments this and that like installing bridges and covering teeth with rubber objects、which my wife thought  unnecessary. She decided not to go to that denstist again. In the meantime she suffered from the swollen gum. From time to time, she said, "It's time to go to a skillful dentist. My tooth gum aches. Moreover I want to have them get rid of tartar and cleaning up the teeth." Of course I suggest that she go to my favorite dentist in Minoo, because the dentist is a nice woman. But my wife didn't feel like going to Minoo, because Minoo is located a little bit far from Osaka City. Well, last month all the participants of Harry Potter Club, to which I belong for years, went to Ganko Sushi Restaurant in Ishibashi for lunchen to

Mother's Day

In May, 1995 I flew with my company colleagues to Atlanta, Georgia to attend a World Sales Conference. The five-day-meeting was held Monday through Friday. By Friday most of my colleagues left Atlanta for Japan. My Japanese boss and I stayed on a weekend at a hotel, as we were going to visit a customer in Chicago on the next Monday together with an American counterpart. Unfortunately my boss was up to his ears in his work at the hotel. I was allowed to go on a sight-seeing trip alone. Immediately I sent for a taxi and visited the Atlanta Theater where they performed the American Civil War-Play. You know, Atlanta was the fierce battlefield between the Yankees from the northern part and the Confederates from the sourthern part. Then I went on foot through the Piedmont Park to Atlanta Zoo. I took a break and sat on the bench. A decent American woman with a baby baggage appeared out of nowhere. She said, "Konichiwa!" I said, "You speak good Japanese!" She said she u