
Good morning, everyone. As I promised, today I'm going to talk about mutil-lingual's benefits of the language learning.
Before I go into that I have two points to cover.
In the afternoon of the 17th of May I went to an elemnetary school nearby to cast my vote against integrating Osaka Prefecture with Osaka City.
Actually I haven't gone to the polls for a long time. Because I'm not interested in  politics.
On the contrary my wife and my daughter are against the policy of Osaka Mayor, Mr. Hashimoto, as he's cut drastically costs for cultural matters, such as museums, orchestra and ballet.
To be honest with you my wife bribed me, or rather she gave me one thousand Yen on that morning. She said, "Go to the polls and vote against Hashimoto." As you all know that I'm an obedient hen-pecked husband. I just did what my wife told me to. Unfortunately within the Kita-District in Osaka City the affirmative votes exceeded the negative ones.But the results of the all the Osaka City Districts showed that 51% of Osaka people were not in favor of the idea of Mr. Hashimoto. In other words, he was defeated. The rest is history.
After I came back from the elementary school, I chilled out in Osaka Amenity Park. Since I have tinnitus, I like the sound of a fountain. Therefore I sat on the bench with my back against the fountain to distract loud noises in my ears. Then two cute girls appeared out of thin air and approached me. One of them took out a microphone and asked me, "Can I interview you for a minute?" Phew, I was on the top of the world, because no young women speak to an old chap like me these days. First, I smiled and said, "Of course. Go ahead." The question: "What do you think the best thing that an automatic vending machine offers you in future?" I could only think of ordianry things like cigarettes, canned coffee and condoms. But I knew those were not what they were asking for. So, I answered, "Absolutely, some chocolate! You know something, suppose men push the button on the White Day, then some chocolate come out of the machine. And I'll be able to give the present back to my wife. How does that sound to you?" The girls exchanged looks at this Then there was an awkward silence. After that they gave a forced laugh and left me.
Speaking of chocolate, since it is addictive and stimultes an intengral part of brain center that is related with multi-lingual's skills...



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