
8月, 2013の投稿を表示しています

Extreme sports

Extreme sports is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of physical exertion. Unfortunately I have never done extreme sports in my life. In Japan we have Bunjee Jumping, Paragliding, Scuba Diving , Snow Boarding and Rock Climbing and so on. Especially young people like this extreme sports, because they are thrilling, exciting and adventurous. I would assume that the young people want to blow off steam due work stress. Yet thier highly specialized gear is cool! On the contrary to these advantages of extreme sports, we should take in consideration their disadvantages. The extreme sports is risky and chances are that you could get injured. If an accident happens, it would be nauseating, sickening and disgusting. The most dangerous part  is that you start the extreme sports without knowledge. Hopefully you take part in the beginners course and learn by experience. As long as you pay attention to this point, you could enjoy the extreme sports to full

Everything Must Go Down On Paper

You will never give a good speech if you don't first reduce everything to writing. That means every sentences, and every word of every sentence. Now, don't jump to the conclusions that you're going to end up readig the thing to your audience. The final delivery may take place from notes, something we'll talk about later. But for now, your all-important starting point is a fully-written text. Why? There are three reasons. You must have the incentive to think the speech through-word for word. You must have the opportunity to edit what you've started with. And you must have the confidnece that comes only after you know that every word has been mapped out in advance. Source: "Overnight Guide to Public Speaking" by Ed Wohlmuth

I don't want to be bossed around

A couple of months ago I talked to you about the concert of a Japanese opera-singer in Osaka. The concert was held on the 10th of August at Osaka Club. I'm so proud that my wife and my daughter organized this event. I'm also glad to know that about 300 people gathered. The concert was successful. After the concert my wife invited her friends over to my house and gave a party. Some of them stayed a night at my house. Earlier this month my wife had said to me,"Honey, I'm afraid you'll have to go out alone on the evening of the10th. But I'll lend you my credit card and 10,000 Yen. Have fun!" Actually I left my house on that day. I carried a computer bag and a suitcase. I dragged them down to a business hotel nearby. It was so hot that I started to sweat on my way to the hotel. The clerk was rather afffable. But I had to pay in advance. Of course I let him charge to the credit card. The single room was so small. I turned on the air-conditioner immediatel

Sexism. Ha!

Many men are scared of women these days and feel discriminated against them. We men have enough of powerful women and put up with them for a long time. Now people say men and women have the equal right. Actually women have opportunities to enter a job market, to acquire a disposable salary, to buy expensive designer bags in a Gucci shop and to enjoy thier life to full. I am not against this woman's movement. But please don't you women ever ever expolit us men! Many men feel discriminated especially in the train because of women's accusation of men's sexual incrimination. Therefore we all men ask for men's trains in the same token that women have right for the women's trains. When the train is crowded in the rush hour, I feel uneasy, because women might point at me at any moment and declare I am a sexual perverse! Never mind, I have already prepared for  the following measures myself. I make it a point of holding this blue bag with my right hand and with