
1月, 2014の投稿を表示しています

I had a relpase

Last year my ringing ear got worse. Two reasons. Firstly I was about to work for Goethe Institute as a gardener last April. I tenatively stayed at the spooky house for two nights. But my sister's illness was always on my mind. I couldn't sleep a wink at night . At the last minute I declined to sign a contract. I was very nervous. Secondly I got sick and tired of hearing the same words from my sister who has Alzheimer's. She's so irritable that she drives me crazy. I don't want to care about her anymore. Then gradually  my psychosomatic disease relapsed. I tried desperately to find a solution to fittness. That reminded me of a club for "Life Discovery". As a matter of fact I signed up for the club for one year 10 years ago. There was a monthly meeting. 15-20 psychosomatically ridden patients got together, We talked about our individual symptoms each other and exchanged experiences. Doctors were somehow forbidden to attend the meeting. Among patients

Do I have Altzheimer's?

I make it a point of going to a supermarket "Koyo" every morning right after breakfast. When I'm done with shopping, next I drop in a coffee shop "Doutor" for a cup of coffee. That is the happiest moment in my daily life because I can read German books over the coffee. Last Friday I went into the coffee shop as usual after buying apples, Natto and an instant coffee bottle at the supermarket. First of all I put my shopping plastic bag on the table to get a conveniet place. Then I ordered an iced coffee at the counter. All of a sudden I wanted to go to men's room. I knocked the door frantically. Unfortunately it was occupied by someone. I was still waiting in the doorway to the toilette, because I was impatient. At last a gentelman in a dark-blue suit came out. I said, "Sorry!" But he ignored me and said nothing. He was in the least an aminable chap. He seemed to be in a hurry. That's why he gave me the cold shoulder. When I got out of the men


In 1964 my father retired from Tokyo University. He decided to rebuild a new house in Koenji. We moved to a house-designer's house in Shibuya and stayed there from September until April in 1965. The designer's house was near Shibuya Station. Unlike fancy image of Shibuya, it was located in the middle of the low residential area, that is, a couple of blocks away from Meiji-Street(Ring  Road 5). If I go to the intersection on the Meiji-Street, I would see an off-track betting place for horse racing on my left side. On Sundays and holidays the betting center was full of people. Our new address goes like this. Shibuya-ku Golden King[金王)Town 1-2-3 bla bla... On the 1st of January we received many New Year's cards. My father got as many as 300 cards. Among them I found an interesting one. The postcard was wrongly addressed like Shibuya-ku Golden Ball [金玉) Town 1-2-3 bla bla...In Japanese Golden Ball means a cock. This joke made my mother and me laugh aloud. I commuted from Sh