Do I have Altzheimer's?

I make it a point of going to a supermarket "Koyo" every morning right after breakfast. When I'm done with shopping, next I drop in a coffee shop "Doutor" for a cup of coffee. That is the happiest moment in my daily life because I can read German books over the coffee.
Last Friday I went into the coffee shop as usual after buying apples, Natto and an instant coffee bottle at the supermarket.
First of all I put my shopping plastic bag on the table to get a conveniet place. Then I ordered an iced coffee at the counter. All of a sudden I wanted to go to men's room. I knocked the door frantically. Unfortunately it was occupied by someone. I was still waiting in the doorway to the toilette, because I was impatient. At last a gentelman in a dark-blue suit came out. I said, "Sorry!" But he ignored me and said nothing. He was in the least an aminable chap. He seemed to be in a hurry. That's why he gave me the cold shoulder.
When I got out of the men's room. I found my brown overcoat was gone and my muffler had fallen off from the chair down to the ground. It occurred to me that someone must have stolen it. Suddenly I remembered my wife scolded me harshly when I left my expensive overcoat in the  Hankyu train 7 years ago. I felt severe tinnitus while I was on the train and forgot to leave the overcoat on the baggage rack. The next day I went to a Lost and Found office at Hankyu Umeda Station but I couldn't retrieve my overcoat.
Back to the coffee shop, as the "stolen" overcoat was on my mind, I didn't feel like reading German books any more. A waitress came by. I inquired whether she had seen the brown overcoat. She said, "Gosh, I don't believe it!". Then I wanted to contact my wife but I didn't take a celluar phone with me.
I inquired whether if there was a public phone booth nearby.
 A young woman, who was sitting a couple of talbes away, overheard our conversation.
It was nice of her that she offered me her mobile phone and said, "You can use my phone."
At that time I couldn't think of my wifes cellular phone's number. In the end the waitress suggested that I use the coffee shops official telephone with no charge, as I remembered now my house's phone number. When I rang up my wife, she was angry because she was in the toilette. She took a couple of minutes to find my overcoat in my room. Good Heavens! I was very happy that my wife was not mad at me. I was also grateful to the waitress and the young woman for helping me out. Osaka people are really nice!



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