
1月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

Everyday I'm learning German better

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my plans for learning German. This year I'd like to especially concentrate on a discussion meeting at German -Japan -Society. For the past two years I took part in the meeting 20 times. My German vocabulary has increased tremendously. The characteristic of the meeting is that we talk about a designated theme every month. For example, in February, we're supposed to talk about "Setsubun" and "Fasching"(Fasting) or Carneval. For that purpose what I'm going to do is write a blog about the theme and write down  keywords in a note pad. The trick  at the meeting is while taking a glance at the note pad, I try to speak about my opinion. I know what the "Setsubun" ritual is like. On the 3rd of February I'll open the window and throw out beans and growl "Goblins out, Fortunes in!" Thus we celebrate that winter is gone and wait for spring, although the weather is the coldest in Feb

New Year's Resolution

Good morning everyone. Today I'd like to talk about what I want to achieve for the year 2015. I'll get 67 years old this coming August. Therefore I don't expect anthing grandiose happens in my life. I'd like just to lead my life with my wife and daughter quietly, peacefully and moderately. Having said that first of all, I want my daughter by all means get married this year. Although she works for a newspaper company, living with her means an economic burden for my family. Should she leave our house, my wife might give me more pocket money. Secondly I'd like to share housework with my wife. Previously I was responsible for throwing out house garbage, buying daily goods at the supermarket and bringing the dishes to the sink in the kitchen after dinner. This year I'd like to wash clothing except bras and panties, spread the table-cloth over the dinner table and water the plants in the balcony. I'm sure that I am able to contribute a great deal to my hou

On the Eve of Boxing Day

On the 25th of  December I felt like going to Minoo for a change. I carried a digital camera, a German book and a dictionary. As usual I boarded Hankyu Express train at Umeda. Looks like I fell asleep. When I came to, I was standing on the platform of Ikeda Station. Shucks, I passed Ishibashi Station! Then I saw a local train leaving for Umeda at the opposite side of the platform. I tried to catch the train but I missed it. I was totally at a loss. Despite this I had a panorama of beautiful Satsukiyama Mountains from the platform. Unlike the idyllic Minoo Mountain it was a great view. I like the atmosphere. Oh, this is the city where Mrs. Fuji lives. I said to myself. Soon the next Express train pulled in. I got on it, changed trains at Ishibashi and reached Minoo. After that I dropped in my favorite coffee shop in the shopping arcade. I enjoyed reading Anne Frank's diary book over a cup of coffee. Especially the water they served was tasty. I like it. On my way back to the stati