New Year's Resolution

Good morning everyone. Today I'd like to talk about what I want to achieve for the year 2015.
I'll get 67 years old this coming August. Therefore I don't expect anthing grandiose happens in my life.
I'd like just to lead my life with my wife and daughter quietly, peacefully and moderately.
Having said that first of all, I want my daughter by all means get married this year. Although she works for a newspaper company, living with her means an economic burden for my family.
Should she leave our house, my wife might give me more pocket money.
Secondly I'd like to share housework with my wife.
Previously I was responsible for throwing out house garbage, buying daily goods at the supermarket and bringing the dishes to the sink in the kitchen after dinner.
This year I'd like to wash clothing except bras and panties, spread the table-cloth over the dinner table and water the plants in the balcony.
I'm sure that I am able to contribute a great deal to my household. Especially I'd like to learn how to cook curry rice. And I want to invite my wife and daughter to dinner.
Last but not least the key is that I don't argue with my wife. When it comes an argument, she always beats me, because she is wiser thatn me. As you all know I am a hen-pecked husband.
By and large life expectancy for the Japanese men is 81 years old. When you take a close look at "Heathy Life  Longevity", then it will be down to 75 years old or so.
That means I have only 8 years to lead a healthy life.
Why should I spend arguing with my wife during this important period?
Simply put I'd like to get on well with her.
Unless I put these New Year's resolutions into practice. there's a posssibility that my wife drives me into the nursing home sooner or later.



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