On the Eve of Boxing Day

On the 25th of  December I felt like going to Minoo for a change. I carried a digital camera, a German book and a dictionary. As usual I boarded Hankyu Express train at Umeda. Looks like I fell asleep. When I came to, I was standing on the platform of Ikeda Station. Shucks, I passed Ishibashi Station! Then I saw a local train leaving for Umeda at the opposite side of the platform. I tried to catch the train but I missed it. I was totally at a loss. Despite this I had a panorama of beautiful Satsukiyama Mountains from the platform. Unlike the idyllic Minoo Mountain it was a great view. I like the atmosphere. Oh, this is the city where Mrs. Fuji lives. I said to myself. Soon the next Express train pulled in. I got on it, changed trains at Ishibashi and reached Minoo. After that I dropped in my favorite coffee shop in the shopping arcade.
I enjoyed reading Anne Frank's diary book over a cup of coffee. Especially the water they served was tasty. I like it.
On my way back to the station I met "Yuzuru-kun" made of stonework. I took a picture of him. All of a sudden I looked at the second floor of the station building where a beautiful woman dentsit run the business.. I was surprised to see brilliant florescent lights in the dentist office. I thought it strange, because the dentist has usually a day off on Thursdays. Anyhow I ran up the stairs to the entrance. I hesitated for a moment, because I was still not sure that the dentist had business on that day. I took a deep breath. I took the plunge and opened the door awkwardly. By chance I took a glimpse of the dentist's buttocks in the doorway. She vanishied into the examining room, though. At the same time a young cute hygiene assistent came up to the counter to greet me. She asked me, "Kaneko-san, do you  come to Minoo on Thursday. too?" I answered that I normally come here on Thursdays, because I attend a class at City Hall. I bought a normal tooth brush and three interdental tooth brushes. She explained to me that they adjusted to open the office on this Thursday because of the hectic year-end schedule. So, today is special!
What a lucky old chap I am! I have been eager to buy the best quality tooth brushes from the dentist.
Actually I had bought the same ones in November when I was under a regular teeth inspection there.
But my wife allegedly threw them out in the rubbish bin by mistake. I don't know whether she did it deliberately or not.



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