Everyday I'm learning German better

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my plans for learning German. This year I'd like to especially concentrate on a discussion meeting at German -Japan -Society. For the past two years I took part in the meeting 20 times. My German vocabulary has increased tremendously.
The characteristic of the meeting is that we talk about a designated theme every month.
For example, in February, we're supposed to talk about "Setsubun" and "Fasching"(Fasting) or Carneval.
For that purpose what I'm going to do is write a blog about the theme and write down  keywords in a note pad. The trick  at the meeting is while taking a glance at the note pad, I try to speak about my opinion.
I know what the "Setsubun" ritual is like. On the 3rd of February I'll open the window and throw out beans and growl "Goblins out, Fortunes in!" Thus we celebrate that winter is gone and wait for spring, although the weather is the coldest in February.Unfortunately I didn't know anything about Fasting and Carneval. As far as I checked it out on the internet, Fasting means eat nothing. It begins on gray Wednesday in early February in southern Germany and lasts 40 days before Easter.
On the contrary in northern Germany it is called Carneval. During this festival you can be nuns, clowns, ninjas in disguise. Then you march down the street with a celebrating wagon. The most amusing part of this festival  is that women are allowed to kiss any men out on the streets.. Oh, good heavens, I wish I were there!
I believe this researching work enriches my German vocabulary.Then I write a blog about the theme beforehand.The advantage of writing is I'll be able to remember what I'm going to say. After that I read aloud what I have written allowing for pronunciations, stress and a speaking pitch.
I think this is a good practice for giving a speech.
To complement this practice I translate a book entitled "A Diary of a Young Girl" from German into Japanese.
Regarding for reading for pleasure I read often children's books written by Erich Kaestner, for instance, "Puentchen and Anton", "Flying Classroom" and "Emil and Detectives"
Now I'd like to pass along a copy to all of you. It's about "Learning a Language, 10 Things You Should Know". I would like you to take a look at it.
First and foremost "Make realistic specific goals". As for me in a couple of years I want to visit Germany and talk with my friends in Bayern.
That's why I'm learning German. For the time being I'll focus on the debate at German-Japan-Society.
Generally speaking learning a language consists of reading, writing, hearing and speaking. Since I have no German friends in Japan whom I speak to, I would like to continue writing, such as my biography beginning with my childhood, my relationship to my wife and in the end "my ending note."



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