
6月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

Marriage Ceremony, Germany vs. Japan

Good morning. Today I'd like to talk about a last week's review of a discussion about a marriage ceremony  at German-Japan-Soeciety in Sannnomiya. Before the discussion, I chatted with an 80-year-old man who suffered from a stroke last year. As a mattter of fact he wasn't able to take part in the meeting for solid three months because of the hospitalization. He told me that the nurses who took care of him were all old women. That's why it took him so long to get out of the hospital. If the nursers had been young pretty ones, he could have be cured so fast. We laughed each other. But soon two elderly women came to the meeting room. We changed the subject abruptly.  Instead I said to them, "Hello, cuties" How are you doing?" I was a little bit embarrassed when they were pleased to sit next to me. Joking aside, a couple of points about the theme, 1. What day is proper for the marriage ceremony? Because the Germans hate the sinister number 13, they avoid

My Friend in High School

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my memory of Sugiyama-kun, my high school friend. Unlike me he was tall, handsome and popular among girls. He was on baseball team. He was really a sportsman, When his team was defeated, he did a butch head, in other words, he had shaven off all his hair like a monk. That surprised me. Well, we had not so many things in common, but the both likeed learnig English. We once went to a cram school named Kensu-Gakkan in Ochanomizu for a summer crash course. In the winter after high school marathon race was done, he invited me to the ice rink in the Yoyogi National Stadium. With an ice skate on for the first time, I could hardly stand up and hanged on the rail. On the contrary Sugiyama-kun skated on the rink gracefully. Then we went to the same university. After the graduation, he entered Marubeni Co.,  a Japanese trading company. He was assigned to Tokyo Headquarters. Soon he was dispatched to San Paulo, Brazil for  a schooling

Judo Practice

Good morning, today I'd like to talk about my vivid memory of my Judo practices. Actually I belonged to Judo Club when I was in the first grade of Seikei High School in Tokyo. Why did I take up Judo? Kazuo, my best friend in Seikei Elemnetary School and the very son of a porno writer, Tamura Taizo, took me to the dojo in Nishi-Ogikubo. I saw Judo lessons for the first time. It must be a hard training. But it seemed to me that it was a good opportunity to learn martial arts("Bushido"). According to Tamura-kun, his father recommended his son should discipline his spirits and his body, because Tamura-kun was not big into studying. That's why he started practicing Judo in junior high school. In the Judo Club I always practiced Judo with a big fighter, Yamazaki-kun. He was 180 cm tall and weighed 90 KG. He threw me out to the ground so hard that I was out of breath for a moment. In the meantime Tamura-kun dropped out of Seikei School and joined Nichidai- High School.

My Vivid Memory of my Marriage Ceremorny

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my vivid memory of my marriage ceremony. On the 8th of November, 1975 I married my wife at Osaka International Hotel. I was 27 and she was 28. About 50 people gathered. The ceremony cost us 3,000.000 Yen. First I'd like to tell you about the engagement period, then refer to the ceremony later on. In the summer my brother and his wife on behalf of a matchmaker brought betrothal money 300,000 Yen to my wife's parents in Kashiwara. My wife seemed to be unsatisfied with the amount of money. A month before the marriage ceremoeny, I'd alredy moved to Izumisano company's apartment by car. To my surprise my wife brought 3,000.000 Yen worth of furniture to the apartment. I recall a small truck with muli-colored flags circling around the ground in front of  the apartment many times, as if my wife wanted to show off her fortune. I was a little bit ashamed. Well, on the Big Day my wife wore kimono at first. Then she and