My Friend in High School

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my memory of Sugiyama-kun, my high school friend.
Unlike me he was tall, handsome and popular among girls. He was on baseball team. He was really a sportsman, When his team was defeated, he did a butch head, in other words, he had shaven off all his hair like a monk. That surprised me.
Well, we had not so many things in common, but the both likeed learnig English.
We once went to a cram school named Kensu-Gakkan in Ochanomizu for a summer crash course.
In the winter after high school marathon race was done, he invited me to the ice rink in the Yoyogi National Stadium. With an ice skate on for the first time, I could hardly stand up and hanged on the rail. On the contrary Sugiyama-kun skated on the rink gracefully.
Then we went to the same university. After the graduation, he entered Marubeni Co.,  a Japanese trading company. He was assigned to Tokyo Headquarters.
Soon he was dispatched to San Paulo, Brazil for  a schooling period. He didn't get along well with Brazillians, because he thought, that they were easy going and have sometimes broken his promises.
When he came back to Tokyo, he started hanging around with a British young woman, named Susie.
He even came to Osaka to show off his girlfriend. She turned out to be a pretty woman and worked for Kodak U.K. I was envious of him, because he always had someone in English to speak to.
For fun I took them to a snack bar by the name of "Don Gabacho" in the Minami-district, Osaka.
Susie seemd to be embarrassed at first being waited on by girls but all in all enjoyed the foreign atmosphere. After that I took them Osaka Grand Hotel by taxi. I took the last train to get back to my singles-dormitory.
A week later, it was nice of Susie to send me a letter of appreciation. The only address must have been written by Sugiyama-kun. It was written in Kanji. I was verry glad to receive it, though.
One time Sugiyama-kun took me to Susie's apartment in Mitaka, Tokyo. She was kind enough to teach me English, for example " the meaning difference between "inflammable" and "flammable". I was surprised to hear there's no meaning difference for this word.
Several years later I took part in his marriage ceremony. I was surprised to see his beautiful Japanese wife. Sugiyama-kun mumbled, "After all I'm a Japanese guy. When I get old, I'd miss a Japanese meal, such as Miso soup, Nori, Natto and egg and rice. That's why I parted Susie."



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