My Vivid Memory of my Marriage Ceremorny

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my vivid memory of my marriage ceremony. On the 8th of November, 1975 I married my wife at Osaka International Hotel. I was 27 and she was 28. About 50 people gathered. The ceremony cost us 3,000.000 Yen.
First I'd like to tell you about the engagement period, then refer to the ceremony later on.
In the summer my brother and his wife on behalf of a matchmaker brought betrothal money 300,000 Yen to my wife's parents in Kashiwara. My wife seemed to be unsatisfied with the amount of money.
A month before the marriage ceremoeny, I'd alredy moved to Izumisano company's apartment by car.
To my surprise my wife brought 3,000.000 Yen worth of furniture to the apartment. I recall a small truck with muli-colored flags circling around the ground in front of  the apartment many times, as if my wife wanted to show off her fortune. I was a little bit ashamed.
Well, on the Big Day my wife wore kimono at first. Then she and I took an oath at a makeshift shrine in the hotel. I goofed a little bit. Somehow I was nervous, so I had difficulty putting the marriage ring into my wife's finger. I thought that her finger was thicker that it looked.
After that we moved to the wedding reception. My wife changed into a western white wedding dress. I was astounded to see the facillitator, my best friend, who wore a conspicous white suit, too.
When the dull and long speech made by the matchmaker was over, it was time for everyone to speak.
My company boss stood up and talked about my attitude in the company. He said, "It is commendable that Kaneko-kun has never taken a day off and worked. Now that I see his beautiful wife now, I'd suggest that Kaneko folllows her forever!" In other words I should do exactly my wife tells me to.
Then one of my colleagues gave a talk: He dared to talk about a strip theater in Hiroshim where I visted often during the training period. He said, "Kaneko was always sitting in the first row. When the dancer moved to the right, Kaneko stood up and moved to the right accordingly. Then the dancer to the left, Kaneko also to the left." I took a glimpse at my father. But his eyes were closed.
At the end of the ceremony my father's greeting words were brief. That was unexpected for the former professor. So much for the ceremony. We went on a honeymonn trip to Europe. A new life started. It goes without saying that my wife has alreday called the shots in the family.



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