Marriage Ceremony, Germany vs. Japan

Good morning. Today I'd like to talk about a last week's review of a discussion about a marriage ceremony  at German-Japan-Soeciety in Sannnomiya.
Before the discussion, I chatted with an 80-year-old man who suffered from a stroke last year. As a mattter of fact he wasn't able to take part in the meeting for solid three months because of the hospitalization. He told me that the nurses who took care of him were all old women. That's why it took him so long to get out of the hospital. If the nursers had been young pretty ones, he could have be cured so fast. We laughed each other. But soon two elderly women came to the meeting room. We changed the subject abruptly.  Instead I said to them, "Hello, cuties" How are you doing?" I was a little bit embarrassed when they were pleased to sit next to me.
Joking aside, a couple of points about the theme,
1. What day is proper for the marriage ceremony?
Because the Germans hate the sinister number 13, they avoid the 13th of every month. It is similar to "Shi" or four in Japan which means death. It goes without saying the Japanese avoid the days called "Butsumetsu, in other words, the day when Buhdda passed away.
2. The Germans just go to a town hall and apply for registering of the marriage beforehand. If they get approval, then they can get married. The marriage ceremony is held at various places, such as restaurants, castles, ships, and churches and so on. Sometimes friends and relatives dance throughout the  night to celebrate a bride and bridegroom.
3. The German women wear a ring on their right finger whereas the Japanese women on their left finger to show that they are married or planning to get married.
So, I'd like to give tips to women here in this room. If you want to go to Germany with your ring on the left finger, the German guys would approach you and pick you up for one night stand, because they think that you are single. So please wear a ring on the right finger when you go there.

So much for the discussion about the marriage ceremony.
You know I make is a point of going to the supermarket every morning. It's kind of excercise for me.
When I leave home for the supermarket, I say to my wife, "I'm going to the Koyo supermarket, Oku-sama.!" My wife answers, "Boku, be aware of the traffic! Don't be hit by a car, If you bump into a car, try to be crashed by expensive cars like a Mercedes and a BMW, so that I could claim damages and receive a large amount of money in compensation for your death."



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