
8月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

Off-Blog Meeting

The Obon time reminds me of the Maiko Graveyard where my parents are buried for years. Nowadays I deliberately avoid the Obon time to visit the grave, because it is so hot and muggy. I usually visit my mother and father in December, because my father died at the very end of December. But when I was living in Minoo, I used to pay tribute to them from time to time. I went to  Tarumi Station and rode a bus up to the graveyard. At that time I had another reason to visit the graveyard. For I met Mr. Takatani, a 70-year-old man who also sufferes from tinnitus for years. He lives in Maiko city. We got to know each other on the internet, namely on my blog entitled "Learn to Live with Tinnitus". We exchanged information on our symtoms, used of drugs and discussed the way to deal with this disease. For instance, when Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. developed new pills for tinnitus, named "Nari-Pitan!", he tested the pills right away. He filled in me on that fact that it d

Darnned Women's Gathering!

As all you know on the 25th of July, when Tenjin Festival was held, my wife invited only women to our condo on the 20th floor, where man can watch great firework down the Ohkawa river. It follows that she drove me out of the apartment to "Apaman Hotel". A fly in the ointment was that I was allowed to stay as late as 5:30 p.m.  and able to eat a feast, which Masumi-san, my wife's best friend, meticulously cooked for hours. Before the guests came at 6:00 p.m. I sneaked out of the condo. I carried a lap-top computer, underwear, toieltries, pajamas and so on. "Apaman Hotel" turned out to e cozier thatn Toko Hotel. Besides it is only 1000 Meter away from my house. When I chilled out in the hotel room, I found two booklets based on Mr. Tamogami's thesis. I believe because of this he got laid off from the job as Self-Defense Navy Admiral a couple of years ago. While I thumbed through the booklets, three patriotic opnions drove me home in his adovocates. 1. T

New Candidate for the Class

Today I'd like to introduce to you Mr. Kobayashi. He lives in a small town, Minoo. He's big into the German language and Germany. He visits Germany from time to time. As a matter of fact, he took a German course at Goethe-institute last May in Germany. He belonged to an intermediary class (A2). But he had a hard time to catch up with the lessons. The reuslt is that he lost confidence in speakig German. Back to Japan, he was drinking a coffee at Starbucks in Minoo. He bumped into an American named Donald, who turned out to be an English teacher at "Don Don English". Mr. Kobayashi took the plunge and dared to speak to Donald. The next day he joined his class and met Shimazu-san. It was nice of Mr. Shimazu to send me email and introduced to me Mr. Kobayashi. On one evening I was about to go to bed and shut down the computer. Just in case I checked out on my email box. I was surprised to read Mr. Kobayashi's email. For he wanted to see me on the next day at 11