New Candidate for the Class

Today I'd like to introduce to you Mr. Kobayashi. He lives in a small town, Minoo.
He's big into the German language and Germany.
He visits Germany from time to time.
As a matter of fact, he took a German course at Goethe-institute last May in Germany.
He belonged to an intermediary class (A2). But he had a hard time to catch up with the lessons.
The reuslt is that he lost confidence in speakig German.
Back to Japan, he was drinking a coffee at Starbucks in Minoo. He bumped into an American named Donald, who turned out to be an English teacher at "Don Don English". Mr. Kobayashi took the plunge and dared to speak to Donald. The next day he joined his class and met Shimazu-san.
It was nice of Mr. Shimazu to send me email and introduced to me Mr. Kobayashi.
On one evening I was about to go to bed and shut down the computer. Just in case I checked out on my email box. I was surprised to read Mr. Kobayashi's email. For he wanted to see me on the next day at 11:30 at the Green Hall.Since I had something to do at 12:00 in front of Minoo station, I adjusted the appointment time at 11:00. I was supposed to take part in Harry Potter Club from 10 to 11:30. But I was the first one to read the novel and translate.Furthermore it would be better to fill in on Mrs. Ishibashi, the boss at the meeting, that I'll have to leave the meeting at 11:00.
The next day I talked with Mrs. Ishibashi about this schedule change up front. She was generous and agreed with me.
Around 11:00 o'clock I excused myself and tried to leave the room. All of a sudden, Mrs. Ishibashi said, "Wait a minute! Brig him in!" I met Mr. Kobayashi at the entrance hall and explained to him what the boss wanted" After that I took him into the meeting room. At first Mr. Kobayashi seemed to be out of place surrounded by 8 foreign participants. But he introduced himself out of volition.
Then I took him out of the room to the entrance hall and talked with him over the table sitting on the sofa.
Mr. Kobayashi was 69 years old and a passionate learner of English and German as well.
So far he wants to concentrate on learning English at  "Don Don English".
I hope someday he'll visit us and sign up for this English Conversation Club.



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