Darnned Women's Gathering!

As all you know on the 25th of July, when Tenjin Festival was held, my wife invited only women to our condo on the 20th floor, where man can watch great firework down the Ohkawa river.
It follows that she drove me out of the apartment to "Apaman Hotel".
A fly in the ointment was that I was allowed to stay as late as 5:30 p.m.  and able to eat a feast, which Masumi-san, my wife's best friend, meticulously cooked for hours. Before the guests came at 6:00 p.m. I sneaked out of the condo. I carried a lap-top computer, underwear, toieltries, pajamas and so on.
"Apaman Hotel" turned out to e cozier thatn Toko Hotel. Besides it is only 1000 Meter away from my house.
When I chilled out in the hotel room, I found two booklets based on Mr. Tamogami's thesis. I believe because of this he got laid off from the job as Self-Defense Navy Admiral a couple of years ago.
While I thumbed through the booklets, three patriotic opnions drove me home in his adovocates.

1. The war against China was not invade China but to protect all the Asian countries from the arrogant whiete's world.

2. The onset of the war against the United States was brought not by Pearl Harbor Attack but by the American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's conspriacy.

3. If the Japanese hadn't been involved with the 2nd World War, the whole Asian countries would have been still under colony, or rather dominated by the whites.

Then I watched TV with a 21 inches wide screen, manufactured by Sharp.
When I was bored with the TV program, I got on the internet and surfed on Facebook. I checked on Windows Mail. Strangely enough it was linked to the Internet. To prove it I sent email at my own email address. I got the test mail all right. Furthermore I received email from Hasegawa-san who lives in Atlanta on the next morning. He wanted to have a Skype Call and asked me when i was available. Immediately I wrote to him back and tried to send it. Somehow it didn't work out.
The breakfast at the hotel was a buffet style but it was yucky.
I called my wife at 10:00 a.m. Finally I was allowed to come back home. I checked at the front desk.
I brought secretly a paper crane, toothbrushed and shaving goods from the hotel.
All in all I think I'll be a hen-pecked husband until I die.
After all women are stronger than men. I'd always say to my wife, "Yes! Yes! You're right. I follow you whatever you say. I'm yours". I don't know why the paper crane was on the table at the hotel.
It is supposeed to be a symbol of freedom at least in Japan.



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