Off-Blog Meeting

The Obon time reminds me of the Maiko Graveyard where my parents are buried for years.
Nowadays I deliberately avoid the Obon time to visit the grave, because it is so hot and muggy.
I usually visit my mother and father in December, because my father died at the very end of December.
But when I was living in Minoo, I used to pay tribute to them from time to time. I went to  Tarumi Station and rode a bus up to the graveyard.
At that time I had another reason to visit the graveyard. For I met Mr. Takatani, a 70-year-old man who also sufferes from tinnitus for years. He lives in Maiko city.
We got to know each other on the internet, namely on my blog entitled "Learn to Live with Tinnitus".
We exchanged information on our symtoms, used of drugs and discussed the way to deal with this disease.
For instance, when Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. developed new pills for tinnitus, named "Nari-Pitan!", he tested the pills right away. He filled in me on that fact that it did't work out at all.
When "Bunbun" pulblishing company advertised a book entitled "Tinnitus cure? It's a piece of cake", I was eager to buy the book. But wait a minute, let me hear Mr. Takatani's opinion first. He told me there are so many framed-up books on the medicine. They just cook up a story to take an advantagen of the weak patients and make money.
When the beautiful singer Ayumi Hamazaki confided to the audience that she suffered from defective hearing in her left ear, Mr. Takatani wrote in my blog that she must also have tinnitus that drove her crazy.
Imagine being holed up in a small apartment right beside an airport runway with jets constantly landing and taking off. Her tinnitus is so loud that she can't endure it.
In the meantime I suggested "Let's meet together at the Maiko Graveyard!" He agreed to my idea.
Actually after I finished praying to parents for our family's safety, I met him at the exit of the graveyard. Then we dropped in a grill meat restaurant for lunch nearby. It was surprsing that we talked as if we knew each other for a long time. I bought him lunch. Instead he invited me to a coffee shop. While we talked over coffee, his wife came to the shop by car. She turned out to be a head nurse at a hospital. Her advice was that, "Hey, guys. Don't be sissy just because you have tinnitus."
She met a whole bunch of critical patients worse than tinnitus patients.
By and large we had a nice time together. It was so nice of the Taktanis to drive me back to Maiko Station.



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