
9月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

My Best Friend in Elementary School

Today I'd like to talk about my best friend in Seikei elemenary school His name is Tanaken. He lived in Chofu in a suberb of Tokyo. His father ran a large Tofu factory and owned 5 Midgets by Daihatsu and a Nissan Prince Gloria.An interesting thing is that his brother went to the same Seikei high school. My brother was one of his classmates, too. Tanaken said to me, "Once your brother visited us. He took out a gold fish out of an aqauarium and put it into a glass of water for fun. I don't know what drove him crazy. But he gulped down the water!" As for me I often visited his house. We used to go to Nogawa River nearby for fishing. All of a sudden I wanted to piss. I found three make-shift mens rooms on the bank. Tanaken said, "Wait a minute. I'll check it out by myself, if they are available." He opened the first one and said, "This is "A"."No one was using it. He went on the next and said, "This is "B". Oh, shit!. It&#

My Best Colleague

Today I'd like to talk about my best colleague at the former textile company. His name is Mata-chan. We entered the company together in 1971. After schooling we were transferred to the same industrial fiber department at Osaka headquarters. He lived in the company dormitory for singles in Ashiya, while I in the Kashiwara dormitory. In the early 70s we had to work also Staurdays until noon. Mata-cahn always asked me after hours, "Sada-chan, how about going to the movies this afternoon? Would you like to see Japan-Porn or Western Porn?" We ended up seeing Yakusa movies starring Ken Takakura and Junko Fuji. Then we dropped in a snack bar and gossipped about boss's love life and figures of young working women in the office. He said, "Oh, you mean Ms. Muto who sits next to the section manager?  She is a pretty chick but I have never seen such a big ass she's got! Furthermore she sucks up to the managers." I could blow off steam. One of his hobbies is liste

My Favorite Fairy Tale

I'm going to take part in Japan-German-Society on the 3rd Saturday of this month. The theme we are going to discuss is My Favorite Fairy Tale".  A fairy tale is passed down on from generation to generation among the common people. I think reading them is the best way for learning English and German. I selected two German fairy tales written by Brothers Grimm, namely "The Star Money" and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". First, let me take a brief look at "The Star Money". "Once upon a time there was an unnamed orphan girl. She was poor and had no house to live in. She has only her clothing and a loaf of bread a kind-hearted soul has given her. She is a good-hearted person. She goes out into the countryside to see what might happen. She gives a hungry man her bread, When she bumps into the three cold children, she gives her cap, her jacket and her dress. In a forest she sees a naked child begging for a shirt. Since it was already dark

On My Way Back Home

After this Fullnest Club was over last Thursday, I walked to Makiochi Station. I was scorched by the hot summer sun. But I wore a summer hat. Thank God! The summer hat prevented my bald head from the heat. At Ishibashi Station I went to Hankyu Soba on the platform. There were many choices on the menu such as "Kitsune" noodles, Tenpura noodles, Curry noodles and Kipper noodles. It was so hot and muggy that I decided to eat something light. I ordered "Zaru" noodles and "Onigiri with pickled "Takana". I paid 500 Yen for lunch. Then I got on the train and reached Umeda. After that I walked down the underground street named "Whitey" At the end of Whitey I dropped in a coffee shop. While drinking a 200 Yen priced iced coffee, I reviewed the English lesson on that day. It was interesting to hear Mrs. Yamaguchi talking about the relationship between China and Tibet. The Government of China always clamps down Tibet.What drove me home was that A