My Favorite Fairy Tale

I'm going to take part in Japan-German-Society on the 3rd Saturday of this month. The theme we are going to discuss is My Favorite Fairy Tale".
 A fairy tale is passed down on from generation to generation among the common people. I think reading them is the best way for learning English and German.
I selected two German fairy tales written by Brothers Grimm, namely "The Star Money" and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
First, let me take a brief look at "The Star Money".
"Once upon a time there was an unnamed orphan girl. She was poor and had no house to live in.
She has only her clothing and a loaf of bread a kind-hearted soul has given her.
She is a good-hearted person. She goes out into the countryside to see what might happen.
She gives a hungry man her bread, When she bumps into the three cold children, she gives her cap, her jacket and her dress.
In a forest she sees a naked child begging for a shirt. Since it was already dark, she can not be seen. Then she gives away her own shirt, too.
Now she stands with nothing left at all. All of a sudden stars fell down to the earth before her, turning into precious silver coins.
Moreover she finds herself wearing a new shirt of the finest linen. The story ends with the girl being rich."
It is a beautiful but a little bit sad story. I'm of the opinion that it is a typical story that the good people are praised in the end.
Next I'd like to talk about "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." It is a one of the most famous fairy tales word-wide. So I believe everybody knows the content.
Well, I hate reading the sentences where the evil Queen eats Snow White's lungs and liver. It sounds cruel and inhuman. But I'd like to tell you my favorite part in the story.
"Magic mirror in my hand, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the whole Minoo City?"
The mirror replies, "Well, of course they are Mrs. Inoue, Mrs. Takaoka and Mrs. Yamaguchi. They all look gorgeous, don't they?
But mark my words, my favorite dentist beyond the Minoo Mountains with the seven monkeys is a thousand times more beautiful than them." Period.



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