On My Way Back Home

After this Fullnest Club was over last Thursday, I walked to Makiochi Station. I was scorched by the hot summer sun. But I wore a summer hat. Thank God! The summer hat prevented my bald head from the heat.
At Ishibashi Station I went to Hankyu Soba on the platform. There were many choices on the menu such as "Kitsune" noodles, Tenpura noodles, Curry noodles and Kipper noodles. It was so hot and muggy that I decided to eat something light.
I ordered "Zaru" noodles and "Onigiri with pickled "Takana". I paid 500 Yen for lunch.
Then I got on the train and reached Umeda.
After that I walked down the underground street named "Whitey" At the end of Whitey I dropped in a coffee shop.
While drinking a 200 Yen priced iced coffee, I reviewed the English lesson on that day.
It was interesting to hear Mrs. Yamaguchi talking about the relationship between China and Tibet. The Government of China always clamps down Tibet.What drove me home was that America contacts China secretly and Tibet is where nuclear waste is dumped.I wondered, "Is that for real?" All of a sudden I took out my wallet to see how much money I had with me. "Oh, 18,000 Yen, not bad for a pensioner." Earlier in the morning my wife gave me 1,000 Yen. I spent 700 Yen for lunch and a coffee. That means I spared 300 Yen just today. I grinned with pleasure. Under the 10,000 Yen bill I found a map which my wife drew the day before. It was a shoe repair shop located in the same underground.
Well, I have been wearing the same leather shoes for twelve years. Recently the soles are getting thinner.
I rushed to the repair shop and met two old workers at the counter. They looked like a foreman in the factory. I asked one of them for the estimate. He said, "Oh, it's a piece of cake. If you pay 1,800 Yen and wait 20 minutes, I'll fix them right away." I changed to wear sandals and sat on the small folding chair in front of the counter. It was amusing to watch people going back and forth on the underground street. Suddenly the skilled worker called out, "Hey, "Taisho" (General), move over!" A customer who wanted to have his pair of shoes shined, came in. I was glad that he didn't call me a debt collector. Meanwhile he handed me the repaired shoes. As the shoes were no longer worn out, I had a feeling as if I was walking on the clouds. The shoe soles are fluffy. When I got home, I showed them to my wife. She said, "Wow, Looks like it's as good as new."



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