My Best Friend in Elementary School

Today I'd like to talk about my best friend in Seikei elemenary school His name is Tanaken. He lived in Chofu in a suberb of Tokyo. His father ran a large Tofu factory and owned 5 Midgets by Daihatsu and a Nissan Prince Gloria.An interesting thing is that his brother went to the same Seikei high school. My brother was one of his classmates, too. Tanaken said to me, "Once your brother visited us. He took out a gold fish out of an aqauarium and put it into a glass of water for fun. I don't know what drove him crazy. But he gulped down the water!"
As for me I often visited his house. We used to go to Nogawa River nearby for fishing. All of a sudden I wanted to piss. I found three make-shift mens rooms on the bank. Tanaken said, "Wait a minute. I'll check it out by myself, if they are available." He opened the first one and said, "This is "A"."No one was using it. He went on the next and said, "This is "B". Oh, shit!. It's also empty!" Then he dared to open the "C". He cried out, "Wow, someone is in!" We laughed together.
At his home we played a toy train with a narrow track gauge called  "HO" on the Tatami mat.
He put a loaf of bread on the carriage train and made the train chug up to me. He said, "Here you are, your breakfast's arrived. Hew."
Outside the house he kept many carrier pigeons in a small cottage. The moment he opened the cottage's door, all the pigeons flew out into the open sky. In twenty minutes or so, all of them came back to him. He prided himself that he took part in a long carrier pigeon's race.
I said to him, "I really want to keep some of the pigeons you've got." He was generous. He was glad to share a couple of pigeons with me and gently put them into a basket. After that I got on Keio Line train and changed trains at Meidai-Mae Station and arrived at Kichijo-ji Station where I got stuck at the wicket. A station employee started picking on me. "Hey, young boy, Don't you know the rules? You are not allowed to ride the train with animals." I talked back to him, "Sorry, not that I know of. But I've already ridden the train with them. That's why I'm here." He just shrugged  his shoulders and let me go. Soon I arrived at my house in Koenji.
Well, for the next couple of the days I was busy building a cage for the pigeons. In accordance with Tanaken's advice, I should sometimes take the pigeons out of the cage and let them see the window where U-shaped metals hung from the top. The bottom line is that let the pigeons learn that this is their own home. A week later I opened the window at last. All the pigeons flew up in the air. It goes without saying they have never come back to me.
Istead, all of them have gone back to Tanaken's house safe and sound. That was too bad!



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