Ending:-ed (Quoted from "SPEECH Communication Made Simple" by Longman )

In written English,the ending -ed forms the past tense of regular verbs. However, in spoken English, the -ed ending can have three different pronunciations. It can sound like t (as in stopped); it can sound like (d) (as in lived) or it can sound like (id) (as in loaded).

Excercise A: The ending -ed sounds like (t) when the last sound in the present tense verb is voiceless. The sounds (p), (k), (f), (s), (sh) (as in wash), and (tsch) (as in watch) are voiceless.
Examples: talked crossed laughed
Read the following words and sentences aloud. Be sure to pronounce the -ed in the past.

1. looked
2. missed
3, stopped
4, picked
5. wished
6. Mom baked a pie
7. He finished early.
8. Tara stopped singing.

(sample sentence)
On the 11th of January I was waiting for Hidechen at the shuttle bus station by Imperial Hotel.
I looked at  my watch. He was 10 minutes late. But I finally picked him up. I was glad to see him again. The moment I saw him, he apologized to me for being late. Hidechen said, "I got up rather late this morning. My mother told me when I had breakfast, 'Hidechen, it'll take a little bit time until I have baked a pie.'" Then he wished me "Happy New Year" belatedly. He said he'd missed me. That made my day.
After that I was going to take him to a coffee shop to read a German book, entitled "A Diary of a Young Girl". He immediately stopped on our way to the coffee shop. He wanted to piss.
In the coffee shop we read the book aloud each other and translated into Japanese. That lasted 3 hours. As we were hungry, we finished reading and went to a restaurant for lunch.

Excercise B: The ending -ed always sounds like (d) when the last sound in the present tense verb is voiced. All the vowels and consonant sounds (b), (g), (v), (m), (n), (l), (r), and (the) (as in breathe) are voiced.
Examples: lived turned played
Read the following words and sentences aloud. Be sure to pronounce the -ed in the past tense verb like (d).

1. loved
2. stayed
3. filled
4. burned
5. fibbed
6. cried
7. We played a game
8. He moved again
9. I mailed a letter

(sample sentences)
Well I loved my ex-girlfriend named Marina. We stayed a night at her dormitory in Taniyon. Her room was filled with a lot of musical instruments. She played a ukulele and sung German song ("Ich war noch nie in New York"). That made my day. The next morning I went home. My wife thought something was fishy. So she asked me"Where the hell have you been a whole night?" I just fibbed and said "I stayed at a Capsule Hotel in Umeda, because I missed the last train." Then she slapped my face. Looks like I burned my fingers.
After that I mailed Marina and told her that we could no longer see each other. She phoned me and cried. One year later I went to the dormitory. She had already moved to Essen..

Excercise C: The ending -ed always sounds like (id) whe the last sound inn the present tense verb is (t) or (d).
Examples: wanted rested ended
1. ended
2. added
3. hunted
4. wanted.
5. needed
6. painted
7. I rested at home
8. The car started
9. He avoided my boss.

(sample sentence)
The New Year has started. My wife and my daughter went to Tenmangu Shrine. I wanted to stay at home. Because I needed to read a German book, entitled "A Dairy of a Young Girl."
I was supposed to see Hidechen on the 11th of January. I started page 40 where 'Anne Frank hunted for boyfriends at a Christmas party. But it was full of people out there. She avoided the crowd. Soon she came back home. Then she cooked Okonomiyaki. She mixed the flour and added butter together. She ate it. It was so delicious.
After that she painted a wall white for a change as a life in a hideaway is dull'.
 It was lots of fun reading the book. I completely rested at home before my domineering wife and my cheeky daughter came home and slammed the door behind them.
Thus New Year 2016 has ended.



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