Wishy-washy Microsoft

Now Microsoft is extinct.

The management by the arrogant white Americans deterioates at any moment

Hey, Bill Gates, what a jerk you are! What a redneck you are!What a scammer you are!
You are more dangerous than Coronavirus.

America is battered by black riots.. Schadenfreuen!

Because you white Anglosaxons took the liberty of invading the Northern American Continent in the 1700's and killed the native Indians on your mach to the West Coast
Furthermore you brought black people from Africa as pathetic slaves.
 The rest is history.

The blacks want to just return the "favor" now.  Don't you know.?

Soon America will be flooded with blacks, slit-eyed yellows and Hispanics.

There's no place in the world for the dumb Whites.

Keep in mind what goes around comes around..



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