Zaibatsu School

In 1955 I entered a private elementary school in Kichijo-ji. My sister was a student at Seikei High School. My father was a lectuer at Seikei University. According to my father, the whole school is like a pradise, because once you' are in  an elemenary school you coud go up automatically to univerity without going through the examination hell. The former burnt-out Prime Minister Abe graduated from this Seikei Paradise. It took about 30 minutes from my house to school.

On the first day my sister took me to the portal of school. She said, "Sadaji, behave yourself. Be nice to your friends" I nodded. Then she concluded, "I'll be picking you up at 12:00 by the main gate and take you back home. Good boy." I nodded again.
In the classroom I made friends with Kazuo. His father was a porno writer. The book is entitled "Fucking Good!" We practiced Sumo before the statuette of Iwasaki Koyata, the founder of school and at the same time the guru of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu. Since Kazu was a tall boy, I lost the game most of the time.
Exactly at 12 noon I reached the main gate. I waited for 30 minutes. But my sister didn't show up.
Then I waited another 30 minutes. My sister was nowhere to be seen.
Finally I gave up and trudged down the street to Kichijo-ji Station.

I waited for a train on the platoform sitting on the bench. I drooped, because I was dissapointed with my Sis. Before I knew it, a young American soldier was sitting next to me. He smiled at me, rubbed my head and  gave me some chocolate. After that he got on the train first class bound for Tachikawa. Then I took the opposite train third class bound for Tokyo.
Back home I was happy with the present of chocolate and said to Mom, "Wow,  How sweet are Americans!  I like 'em! What happened to Japan?" She said, "Poor boy, you don't know anything. We were defeated by the Americans in the last war."  That's a shame.



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