
11月, 2012の投稿を表示しています

Taliban vs. Jew

A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghanistan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the object, only to find a little old Jewish man at a small stand selling ties. The Taliban asked, "Do you have water?" The Jewish man replied, "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5." The Taliban shouted, "Idiot! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water! I should kill you, but I find water first!" "OK," said the old Jewish man, "it does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger than that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a lovely restaurant. It has all the ice cold water you need. Schalom. Muttering, the Taliban staggered away over the hill. Several hours later he staggered back, almost dead.....! The Taliban finally catches his bre

Word Association Game

Japanese children know this game as "Magical Banana" PROCEDURE 1. Player A says any random word e.g. "banana" 2. Player B says "banana reminds me of ...e.g. "yellow" "fruit" "monkey" 3. Player C says "yellow reminds me of...e.g. "lemon" "coward" "chicken" and so on RULES 1. Part of the same word may not be used..e.g. "beach reminds me of "beachball" 2. The same word as a different part of speech may not be used..e.g. "death" reminds me of "dying" 3. Two word answers may not be useed...e.g. "vactaion" reminds me of "good times" 4. Proper nouns may not be used...e.g. ..."holiday" reminds me of "Hawaii" 5. The same word may not be used twice in the same game 6. The association between words must be ovious to all players.     If not, the game leader will say,  "Explain", and you will be called upo

Felix Hoffmann

The trademark aspirin is derived from A=Acetyl and "Spirsaeure" or asalicycylic acid. 1886   By chance two doctors prescribed acetaiid for a patient 1891  Bayer employed as many as 90 chemists in the north of Koeln 1897  A chemist named Felix Hoffmann developed aspirin in the laboratory of Bayer 1898  Bayer's pharmalogist explained  to doctors and scientists at the meeting         New sabstance is 10 times more effective and less toxinated than conventional  medicine 1889  They put aspirin in the German market           Application area; Headache 1917  Bayer's patents in America expired Aspirin sales remained strong thanks to widespread use as a preventitive treatment for heart attacks and strokes To this day 40,000 tons of aspirin were sold all over the world

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (published by Bloomsbury)

Chapter one (Dudley Demented) Page 13, Line 20 (Quote) ....... In fact, he was so angry with them he had thrown away, unopened, two boxes of Honeydukes chocolates they'd sent him for his birthday. he regretted it later, after the wilted salad Aunt Petunia had provided for dinner that night. (Unquote) It's all Greek to me! He regretted it later, because Aunt Petunia had provided the wilted salad for dinner that night. (Correct?) page 14, line 12 (Quote) ---- Nevertheless, it was quite galling to be rash by a man who had served twelve years in the wizard prison, Azkaban, escaped, attempted to commit the murder he had been convicted for in the first place, then gone on the run with a stolen Hippogriff. (Unquote) --------> who hat served twelve years in the wizard prison, Azkaban, escaped, attempted to commit the murder he had had been convicted for in the first place, then gone on the run with a stolen Hippogriff.

Follow-up Express

The memory of your outstanding particpation at the meeting fades quickly out of your mind, unless you take action to reinforce its impact. Here's how: Act now! As soon as the meeting is over, find a quiet place to sit and write: -The topic of the meeting, time, date and length of the meeting "Euro crisis", Nov. 17th, 15:00-17:00 -Key points you made and the other participants' reactions. It's time that Europe established a consolidated state like U.S.A. It' now or never! Everyone agreed. -Most important aspects of the commentaries presented by the mc. (1) We spoke highly of the excellent decision made by the French President Giskardesten and the former Germarn Prime Minister Kohl that they jumped in the EURO Zone (2) Stop quibbling each other! After all you're small countries lumped together (3) Now go for another super-power that surmounts the U.S.A! (4) Or China will scoop down on you and gulp you down at any moment. (5) No time buying t

Hey, Euro. You met your Waterloo!

The first time I saw Euro bills was back in February, 2007. I was in a Mitsubishi Bank, Osaka. A middle aged teller gave me them in exchange for Yen. I found the crisp Euro bills  fabulous, magical and fairy-taled. Immediately I recalled  reading the Germann fairy-tale, "Die Sterntaler". I said to myself, "At last I'm able to see that mesmerising blue-eyed blonde chick. Wow! Isn't that fantastic?" Three days later I dragged my trunk to the Kansai Airport. Customs search officer were strict. They took away my 100 Yen lighters for tight security reasons. The next day I arrived in Neurnberg. It goes without saying that I rushed to the Kiosk at Nuernberg Station and bought 2 lighters. That was the first time I used the new Euro bills. After that I went by train to Wuerzburg. I went into a small restaurant nearby. I ordered a cofffee. The waitress was young , but not so romantic as the fairy- tale girl.  Soon she came up to me with the bill. Then I looked

Top Tourists in the World

(Manner) Japanese people are evaluated as the best tourist, because they are polite on vacation. It is well known that the Germans are the world champion when they go on a trip, Thanks to their good manner and tidiness, vacationers from Germany as well as from Great Britain take the second place. (Tip) The Germans are a little bit stingy to give a tip. A great consolation to the Germans is that the French are the worst when it comes to tipping. Americans are so generous that they leave a large tip. Americans and the Germans stay top on this category. (Fashion) Italians and the French take the first place. Italians have the best taste in fashion. (Local Language) The German tourists are highly appreciated as they try to speak the local language where appropriate. But Americans take the first place when they speak the local language. (Food) Chinese people have no interest in the local food. They give a small tip and make the room maid busy!

A Trip bound for the South (from "Summer Lies")

I like a German author by the name of Bernhard Schlink. He always talks about "Lonely Middle." His men's figures: not a macho type, let women domineering, undecided and weak like me His women's figures: strong, self-conscious, self-willed and determined like my wife Today I would like to tell you one of his short stories entitled "Summer Lies"  It was written from the view of an old woman. I quote on a book review from New York Times. (Quote) A beloved grandmother in a retirement home finds herself suddenly alienated from her four dutiful children and 13 grandchildren. Her perplexity and frustration about the choice she has made in her life-she divorced her philandering husband only after their children were grown-overtake her as unpridictablly as her back pain. When a granddaughter escorts her to the college town where she lost her true love, she confronts the man, now widowed. They don't share a soulful reunion. Instead, he forces her to admit