Follow-up Express

The memory of your outstanding particpation at the meeting fades quickly out of your mind, unless you take action to reinforce its impact.

Here's how:
Act now! As soon as the meeting is over, find a quiet place to sit and write:

-The topic of the meeting, time, date and length of the meeting
"Euro crisis", Nov. 17th, 15:00-17:00

-Key points you made and the other participants' reactions.
It's time that Europe established a consolidated state like U.S.A. It' now or never!
Everyone agreed.

-Most important aspects of the commentaries presented by the mc.
(1) We spoke highly of the excellent decision made by the French President Giskardesten and the former Germarn Prime Minister Kohl that they jumped in the EURO Zone
(2) Stop quibbling each other! After all you're small countries lumped together
(3) Now go for another super-power that surmounts the U.S.A!
(4) Or China will scoop down on you and gulp you down at any moment.
(5) No time buying time!

-The faciliator's  key concerns and how you responded to them
Is Germany able to lead another European countries in settling issues arising from the Greek deficit?
No doubt about it. We can count on Germany!

-Next steps to take
Angela Merkel steps down for Germany. Mr. Steinbecker is a hopeful  for the next election

-Things you wish you'd said but didn't
I wanted to touch on the relationships between the weaker Euro and the stronger Yen
The strong Yen reminds me of that German fairy tale "The Starry Silver Coin".
It's high time for the Japanese to go on a trip to Germany and paint the every German town red!

-Things you said, but wish you hadn't
A middle aged woman talked at length about the former Prime Minister Bersconi. (Does she carry a torch for him?)
I shouldn't have said that a play boy is not a good fit for a nation's leader. That was impolite.

-Five or six actions you can take to follow up
1. Don't write a whole sentence. Only keywords
2. Signs like + 1 = 1  !  ?  ーーー> ♪  prove useful
3. Before the meeting starts, greet someone sitting next to you and say "Can I get you a coffee?" to break the ice.
4. Memorize the keywords and psyche yourself up for the meeting
5. Make a point of using polite words. such as "Excuse me" "Wait a minute please" and "That's OK"
6. Be nice to women! Say something adorable like "You look gorgeous today!"



The Six Signals All Audiences Want to Hear

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