Top Tourists in the World

Japanese people are evaluated as the best tourist, because they are polite on vacation.
It is well known that the Germans are the world champion when they go on a trip, Thanks to their good manner and tidiness, vacationers from Germany as well as from Great Britain take the second place.

The Germans are a little bit stingy to give a tip. A great consolation to the Germans is that the French are the worst when it comes to tipping. Americans are so generous that they leave a large tip.
Americans and the Germans stay top on this category.

Italians and the French take the first place. Italians have the best taste in fashion.

(Local Language)
The German tourists are highly appreciated as they try to speak the local language where appropriate.
But Americans take the first place when they speak the local language.

Chinese people have no interest in the local food. They give a small tip and make the room maid busy!



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