My Favorite Teacher

In October 2006, I sighned up for the class B1 at German school. The classroom was located in the establishment of Levi Strauss & Co., a couple of stations away from Osaka. An hour and a half -long- session took place on Monday mornings and Thursday mornings beginning at 10:00.
The teacher was a young German woman by the name of Brigitte. Unlike the  most  German teachers who have long lived in Japan, she was dispatched from Leipzig especially  to broaden a growing Japanese market for German learners. I think they must have paid her lots of salary.
But as for me the lesson was worth taking.
For she was so passionate when she gave a lesson.
What I heard from the participants in her former class, she asked them to write a diary in German. Then she corrected grammatical errors in the sentences and tunred in the diary before the lesson started. What a practice!
Well, in the B1 class I joined in, she has never done that. Maybe she was exhausted.
Instead she gave us a test without notice.
On top of that it was very kind of her to answer any questions, even if her lesson was over.
It gave me a pleasure to ask her questions, even if I waited in a long line. Sometimes it was almost noon. But she never made a grimace.
However, I had one problem. She spoke so fast during the lesson that I couldn't sometimes catch up with her.
One day I noticed there are 2 CDs to the textbook. I rushed to the bookstore on the first floor of Levi's building. When I paid the money for the CDs, I met one of my classmates. She was a young Brazilian and married to a German husband. On our way to Osaka station we met Brigitte. I told her the reason why I bought the CDs.  She just laughed and said, "I don't proceed my lesson exactly what's written in the textbook." I was a little bit disappointed. But I had a nice time talking to two young women in the train.
In January, 2007 Brigitte introduced us the B1 standard test ,scheduled in February. Moreover she was in charge of a crash course. It goes without saying that I took the course right on the spot.
At the end of February I received the results for the standard B1 test. Unfortunately I didn't make it. It's a shame. But I decided to challenge again in July.



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