The Overnight Guide to Hong Kong

In the 70s I flew with Cathy Pacific Airways from Osaka to Hong Kong. My company's section chief and colleagues saw me off at the Itami Airport Terminal.  By chance I could sit on the window seat. I kept waviing my hand at the airport terminal until the the plane took off.  It was dumb of me to do that. Actually they had left the airport a long time ago.  Before I knew it, a rich decent American woman was sitting next to me. I confided to her that I was nervous, because this is my first trip  abroad.. She gave me a pat on my shoulder and said, "That's OK. You speak already good English. I wish you good luck." Well, I took it as a compliment but I was relieved. She said she's visiting Hong Kong with her husband. He is a lawyer. sitting in a seat a couple rows away from us. I wondered why they were not sitting together.
I landed on the Kowloon Airport. I was surprised to see that the airport lobby was crowded with so many people. All of a sudden I was surrounded by the reckless Chinese. They asked me where I was going to go to. Well, I thought that's none of their business. Some of them insisted that I should stay at their hotel. It took a while before I could meet a representative of our client company, Mr. Tsuda.
He was putting up his company's name tag that said "Mr. Tsuda of Dubin Haskel Jacobson Co." So, I  realaized him easily.
Mr. Tsuda was a nephew of the DHJ's president Mr.Arai who spinned out of Toyobo, a Japanese spinning company. He was very nice to me during my stay in Hong Kong. First of all, he drove me up to Tigers Bahm Garden where I saw elderly Chinese  playing Mahjong in the sunshine. Then he took me to  brand shops where he haggled over the prices for me. I was able to buy a watch "Longine" and a cigarette lighter "Dunhill"  as a souvenior for my company colleagues.
Mr. Tsuda also took me to the gorgeous "Peninsular Hotel" where we just drank a cup of coffee and a small hotel restaurant where we ate Yamucha for lunch.
I was getting a little bit tired since Mr. Tsuda was always with me. I asked him if I could take a walk along the street alone. At first he seemed to be worried about me. But he gave me advice that I should always carry 5,000 HK dollars in my vest pocket. For a robber would show up at any moment in the alley and stick a gun at me.
Mr. Arai invited me over to dinner in a Chinese restaurant where I met his ten well-to-do Chinese employees. The Chinese food was good. But I was surprised to see everyone drinking a glass of brandy. The president stood up and began to speak. "Tonight, I'm very proud to present Mr. Kaneko from Osaka, Japan.
I've heard that his grandfather founded the very company he's working for. His grandfather's nickname is a chimeny man who has built as many as 300 big fatories and established the infrastructure of the Japanese industry. For instance....." Everyone stopped drinking and turned to look at me.  I was a little bit ashamed. I decided to take the plunge and said, "Well, actually I have never seen my grandfather. When I was born, he had already passed away and I..."  My speech was choppy. Someone said, "You must be a rich boy. Let's go to Canada with us!" I wondered why the rich Chinese wanted to flee to Canada. I gulped down a glass of brandy and said, "Look, I'm in the least rich, My father is a humble teacher. Besides my grandfather left no fortune for us. He was just big into building a factory. That's all there's to it. By the way, why are you guys going to Canada?" No one answered. It was an awkward silence. After that Mr. Arai changed the subject deftly. Come to think of it, they were afraid of being incorporated into Red China at that time. So, the rich Chinese were seeking hiding places.
For the last leg of the trip in Hong Kong I went by the ferry to my company's representative office in a high-rise building on the Hong Kong Island. Finally I spoke Japanese. My Japanese counterparts were friendly and I felt at home. The representative office manager turned out to be a small man and asked his subordinates that they should take Mr. Kaneko to a night club. He excused himself that  he must work longer on that evening. Wow, I met young Chinese hot cuties with lingerie at Sixty-Nine Club!. I was on the top of the world. I danced with them cheek to cheek and sang Karaoke together. It was a  lot of fun. My cock was already stiff. But alas. I was drunken and dizzy. I wanted to take some rest and sat back in the sofa. I must have slept for a moment. When I came to, I saw a cicada being fondled by a big woman in the dancing floor. I was aghast.  The manager was dancing with the amazon. Simply put, the manager lied to me.



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