Autumn Meal

When the days are getting shorter, it's time for robust soup, roast meat and inflammable cakes.
Especially  we crave for strong aroma, intensive vegetables and various fruits.
If you are a vegitarian, it's likely you would end up eating red beets, cabbage und pumpkings.
We enjoy eating autumn food every which way.
It'a a shame I can't tell you autumn recipe because I can not cook.
So I'd like to tell you about typical autuman fruits in Japan.
They are pears, kaki and grapes.
The best of all I like the red- yellow kaki. Kaki-tress grow only in China, Korea and Japan.When I was a kid, I used to climb up a kaki-tree in the garden and reaped kaki for my family. It's usual that people peel a kaki before they eat. But I love eating kaki with  the peel. Since kaki's upper part of the peel contains lots of nutritious fibrestuff, sweet and juicy substance, it's good for digestion.
Kaki is also a season word for Japanese Haiku.
I'm going to quote a couple of Haiku by one of the famou Japanese poets named Masaoka Shiki.
1. When you kaki eat, the bell rings at Horyuji-temple. (Horyuji-temple is located in Nara. Nara's speciality is kaki.
2. When I eat kaki, I feel kind of sad. Because that reminds me of my mother who passed away a long time ago..I love my Mom!
3. I find it boring, when I see two kakis sitting on the knees of a married couple.



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