Japan and its neighboring countries

The other day I attended a meeting at Kobe German-Japan Society Club. 15 People gathered. One German  couple, a young Korean woman, a young Chinese from Hong Kongs, two co-eds from Kobe University and 10 elderly people who have retired from work.
The theme is about "The relationship between Japan and its neighboring countries" and by the same token "The relationship between Germany and its neighboring countries."
The facillitator started talking about the number of civillians and soldiers killed in the Second World War. He said, "In the Pacific theater 5 million people were killed and in the European theater....."
All of a sudden a German woman screamed at him and said, "Do we have go all over this? I have enough of it. Why do we have to dig up the past? I'm here to talk about the present relationship between Germany and our neighbors."
The discussion leader cleared his throat and answered, "Mrs. Merkel, I'm just touching on the background.I'll be coming to the present topic in a minute. So be patient, please."
It occurred to me that the Germans were afraid of hearing the Holocaust. It is said that Nazis killed as many as 5 million Jews and others in the Second World War. What makes matter worse is that the Germans believe the atrocity was not their fault. Instead they put the blame on Adolf Hitler, Führer of the Nazi regime.
After all they have made no reparations to the war enemies up until now.
I am of the opinion that they deliberately kept concentration camps in Krakow and Auschwitz as a museum to show off the world that how Nazis were atrocious. Fundamentally the Germans don't excuse themselves. The central idea of the Germans is to ostensibly remember the war and they would not take up arms against any countries.This strategy worked out.  Germany is now getting alone just fine with 9 neighboring countries. Besides Germany  is listed as the most favorable nation in the world  according to the recent BBC Research.
On the contrary, if we look at the relationships between Japan and its neighboring countries,  Korea, China and Russia, the situation is worse than those of Germany.
It's a shame that China and Korea often criticize Japan when Japanese Prime Ministers pay visit to Yasukuni Shrine. They also point out that the Japanese lack in "historical realization".
Unlike Germany Japan has already made full reparations to China and Korea. The Kuril Islands are still occupied by Russia.
The young Korean woman stood up and said, "In my school our teachers told us how barbarous the Japanese were. What they taught us is anti-Japan dogma. I thought the Japanese were cruel people until I came to Dresden in Germany, where I met nice Japanese people. It is surprising to know that the Japanese are kind, polite and good-natured. I am willing to admit our education in Korea is WRONG."
The neutral atmosphere of speaking German at the club made her speak her true colors.
I have discussed about this theme with my members of English Club today. On an individual basis, we Japanese are friendly to the Chinese and Koreans who are living in Japan. We have no resentment each other. Even some Chinese respect the Japanese.
Once they get used to Japan, they would not like to get back to their father land. Instead they want to stay in Japan as long as possible or eventually  move to the United States of America. The dumb Japanese politicians are to blame for their ignorance!

The Japanese are to blame for occupying foreign countries like Manchuria and Korea in the first half of the 20th century.
But we have not massacred unarmed civilians there like Germany have done to the Jews.



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