
3月, 2014の投稿を表示しています


I'd like to thank you, Iida-san for a scientific speech you have given to us. I was taken aback when I witnessed your first speech. For it was full of fresh ideas and innovative thoughts. No wonder, Iida-san is a veterinarian. He knows quite a lot of medical terms, such as insomnia, COPD and apnea. Now I'd like to introduce his three memorable speeches to you. 1. Specifically he talked about longevity of the Japanese women in future, being able to live longer to the age of 90. 2. Further he continued to refer to advantages of coffee drinking. Coffee beans have a healthy substance like polyphenol that contributes to the decrease of liver cancer. 3. In addition to that he compared controversial STAP cell to iPS cell. That was an informative speech. It's also mind-boggling to listen to his speech on the food shortage in the world. "In future humanbeings may have to live on insects should the food shortage becomes critical. Since his speech is logically structure

Pronunciation Tip (L and R)

Quoted from "SPEECH Communication Made Simple" by Longman Some students confuse the sounds "L" and "R". If they confuse these sounds, rice sounds like lice, and berry sounds like belly. Pronounce "L" by placing the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge just behind your upper front teeth. Pronounce "R" by curling your tongue upward but not letting it touch the root of your mouth.  Read the following pairs of words and sentences aloud. Concentrate on prnoucing "L" and "R" correctly.        L                                                      R 1. l ate                                                    r ate 2. l ed                                                     r ed 3. e l ect                                                  erect 4. move toward the light                      move toward the r ight 5. It was very l ong                               It was very w r ong 6. Please co ll ect the pape

My Favorite Composer 2

Last week I told you that I was going to  Japan-German-Society to discuss about a theme entilted "My Favorite Composer". Today I'd like to tell you the results of the meeting. There were 10 participants including a Swiss young student, a professional singer and researcher on classical music. Usually a German couple takes part in the meeting. But unfortunately the Japanese husband is hospitalized for a physical inspection. It's a shame he and his German wife could not come to us. For starters, the Swiss young man introduced himself. He is from the northeastern part of the country. I was surprised to hear about his multi-lingual speech talent. He said that besides English he can speak German, Italian, French and Romanisch. Romanisch is related with the Latin language and spoken in a limited area in Switzerland. His favorite composers are Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, Schumann, Schubert and Brahms. Meanwhile a Japanese soprano singer, Akiko introduced herself. She

My Favorite Composer 1

As I was a pupil at Seikei School, I met various prominent German composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner and Ludwig van Beethoven in the music lesson. For they were drawn on the front cover of the textbook. During the lesson I was reserved, because I was not into music. I can play no intrument. I can hardly read a note. When I attended a concert by classmates in the auditorium, I clapped my hands just after someone clapped them first. I remember I had a terrible grade 2 on the scale of 1-5. Therefore I found the lesson boring. Sometimes I scribbled a redundant whisker and glasses on the prominent musicians、just to while away the time. It goes without saying the teacher was mad at me. Since I became a pensioner, I learned these prominent composers in German at school. Among them I like Ludwig van Beetheven the best of all. There are serveral reasons for that. Back in 1975 I went on a honeymoon trip to Vienna. I visited Beethoven's house, his grave in the central