
I'd like to thank you, Iida-san for a scientific speech you have given to us. I was taken aback when I witnessed your first speech. For it was full of fresh ideas and innovative thoughts.
No wonder, Iida-san is a veterinarian. He knows quite a lot of medical terms, such as insomnia, COPD and apnea.

Now I'd like to introduce his three memorable speeches to you.
1. Specifically he talked about longevity of the Japanese women in future, being able to live longer to the age of 90.
2. Further he continued to refer to advantages of coffee drinking. Coffee beans have a healthy substance like polyphenol that contributes to the decrease of liver cancer.
3. In addition to that he compared controversial STAP cell to iPS cell. That was an informative speech.

It's also mind-boggling to listen to his speech on the food shortage in the world. "In future humanbeings may have to live on insects should the food shortage becomes critical.

Since his speech is logically structured and well-prepared, I believe, that his message could get across to Americans and Europeans as well.

As for me I sometimes picked up his thoughts and used them when I took part in the discussion at Japan-German-Society. It goes without saying that I was admired by the intellectual Germans.
Thanks to Iida-san, the potential synergy between English and German made my language learning productive. Now I'm on a steep leraning curve.

I'm sure that everyone in this club is going to miss Iida-san. So am I! Please come back to us when your mission is over.
We are all looking forward to seeing you again.
Thank you.



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