Pronunciation Tip (L and R)

Quoted from "SPEECH Communication Made Simple" by Longman

Some students confuse the sounds "L" and "R". If they confuse these sounds, rice sounds like lice, and berry sounds like belly.
Pronounce "L" by placing the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge just behind your upper front teeth. Pronounce "R" by curling your tongue upward but not letting it touch the root of your mouth.

 Read the following pairs of words and sentences aloud. Concentrate on prnoucing "L" and "R" correctly.
       L                                                      R
1. late                                                    rate
2. led                                                     red
3. elect                                                  erect
4. move toward the light                      move toward the right
5. It was very long                               It was very wrong
6. Please collect the papers                  Please correct the papers

Based on this text I demonstrated the pronunciation differences using a hand glass mirror in front of 5 participants. I bought this small mirror at a 100 -Yen -shop and usually use it when I brush my teeth.
"R" sounds don't exist in the Japanese language. So, it's difficult for us to curl up the tongue and still let it not touch the root of our mouth. On the contrary "L" sounds exist in the Japanese.
But I cheered up everyone by saying, "Don't be afraid of making a mistake. English native speakers would get the point even if you confuse the sound "L" and "R". They will understand the whole thing from connotation. The important thing is try to realize the difference of the sounds between "L" and "R".
10 years ago I bought this text book at an English Learning School in Saitama Pref.  I'm grateful to  the American teacher for recommending the text book.



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