My Favorite Composer 2

Last week I told you that I was going to  Japan-German-Society to discuss about a theme entilted "My Favorite Composer". Today I'd like to tell you the results of the meeting.
There were 10 participants including a Swiss young student, a professional singer and researcher on classical music. Usually a German couple takes part in the meeting. But unfortunately the Japanese husband is hospitalized for a physical inspection. It's a shame he and his German wife could not come to us.
For starters, the Swiss young man introduced himself. He is from the northeastern part of the country. I was surprised to hear about his multi-lingual speech talent. He said that besides English he can speak German, Italian, French and Romanisch. Romanisch is related with the Latin language and spoken in a limited area in Switzerland. His favorite composers are Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, Schumann, Schubert and Brahms.
Meanwhile a Japanese soprano singer, Akiko introduced herself. She explained to us differences between a German opera and an Italian opera. In the Italian opera, voices and sounds are so cheerful, high-pitched and hilarilous that they could reach high up in the bright blue sky. On the contrary, German opera sounds dark, deep and solemn. That makes you somewhat gloomy.
Then the discusssion leader Nobuko, who is an expert on classical music, explained the reasons.
According to her analysis, the German language is full of consonants like Uebrraschung, Geschlechtsverkehr and Naturwissenschaft, whereas the Italian language lots of vowels like bonjoruno, bambino and o sole mio.
Now I'd like to show you some examples.

Japanese:  Hi-ko-ki,     Kyu-kyu-sha,          Chou-chou
English:    airplane,      ambulance,              butterfly
Italian:      aero,            amublanza,              farfalla
German:   Flugzeug,    Krankenwagen,      Schmetterling

See the differences? It was impressive that all the participants like listening to classical music. On one hand I am a little bit ashamed because I always like singing American pops  in the Karaoke bar. On the other hand I want to take up a German poem because  that intimidating, rough and strong tongue rolled up "R" accents sounds fantastic to me.



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