My Favorite Composer 1

As I was a pupil at Seikei School, I met various prominent German composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner and Ludwig van Beethoven in the music lesson.
For they were drawn on the front cover of the textbook. During the lesson I was reserved, because I was not into music.
I can play no intrument. I can hardly read a note. When I attended a concert by classmates in the auditorium, I clapped my hands just after someone clapped them first.
I remember I had a terrible grade 2 on the scale of 1-5. Therefore I found the lesson boring. Sometimes I scribbled a redundant whisker and glasses on the prominent musicians、just to while away the time.
It goes without saying the teacher was mad at me.
Since I became a pensioner, I learned these prominent composers in German at school. Among them I like Ludwig van Beetheven the best of all. There are serveral reasons for that.
Back in 1975 I went on a honeymoon trip to Vienna. I visited Beethoven's house, his grave in the central cemetery where other great musicians were buried. In the German class I took up reading Beethoven's biography. It was interesting to know that he had a problem with hearing. It was also sad to hear that he turned out to be deaf in the end. When I heard of his defective hearing, I presumed that he must have indescribable severe tinnitus at the same time. I sympathized with him because I also suffered from ear-ringing. In my case I have no problem with hearing ability, though. I gather that my disease is not comparable to his critical deafness.
Nevertheless he composed unsurpassable compositions like the 5th Symphony and the 9th Symphony. I take my hat off to him.
His last concert was held in Vienna and successful. The audience gave him a big hand at the end of the 9th Symphony. The saddest part was that he had to be turned around to see the tumultous applause of the audience. He could hear nothing. He wept. When I finished reading his biography, I wept, too.



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