By Word of Mouth

Last Saturday I visited Japan-German -Society in Sannomiya for a debate in German. Mrs. Dorothea Goda sat next to me. I said, "Guten Tag!" She answered me, "Konnichiwa!" Immediately I noticed a rash all over her hands. I thought it was caused by allergy. But she denied it. It was caused by the strong water in Japan instead. She had taken a blood test and gotten a clean bill of health. I asked her, "Don't you use rubber gloves when you do the dishes?" She said, "No, I have never done that. After all it's not my job." and turned to his Japanese husband. The poor Mr. Goda, he's been washing the dished for about forty years."
This incident reminded me of stinging red spots all over my body I had back in May, 2008. I checked out on a couple of clinics near Minoo Station. But their  medical fee seemed to be expensive.
I gave up on searching clinics. I said to myself, "Oh my god, I have forgotten an important thing. The key must be by word of mouth." Then I called an elderly woman in Harry Potter Reading Club. She was kind enough to introduce to me a dermatologist she knew. But she got recently senile. By mistake she told me an eye doctor.After that I called Shimazu-san. He belongs to the same club.
He said over the phone, "Not that I know of, because I have never had skin diseases in my life. But suppose go to Minoo Civillian Hospital, there must be a dermatology department since it's a big hospital." I thanked him for good advice.
On the next day I went to the hopital by bicycle. It was a long way from my apartment. I was almost out of breath when I rode up the steep slope just before the hospital. Besides I had to wait long hours before I met the doctor.
Well, the good news is that the doctor turned out to be a young woman doctor. She is beautiful like my favorite dentist.
I told her my signs and symtoms and took off my trousers to show red spots on the body. I was ashamed that my cock was already hard and in a way protruding through the shorts. It looked like she saw a thing as if she didn't want to see. But it was lots of fun. Then I went overboard. For I pretended to take off my shorts to show red spots on the buttocks. She shook her head vigorously and said, "That will do. Enough is enough." She diagnosed a nettle rash. I took a blood test. She prescribed me medicine and ointment.
Two weeks later a nettle rash dwindled away. and I went to the hospital again. Since I craved for the beautiful woman doctor, this time going up the steep slope is a piece of cake. The woman doctor showed me the results of blood test. I got a clean bill of health, too.
Incidentally Mr. Shimazu called me back on the day when I phoned him. He asked me whether if I took on the job of teaching English every Thursday.
I visited a class in June and met a teacher and participants. They were all friendly people. The teacher is supposed to move to downtown Osaka. Eventually I took over the job in September.
Come to think of it, if I hadn't suffered from a nettle rash, I woudn't be here today to speak with all of you.



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