Bitter & Sweet Incidents

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk to you about what happend to me last week.
First, bitter incident.
Last Monday my wife asked me to buy red rubber gloves for washing the dishes in the kitchensink.
It was a raniy day and somehow my left knee ached becasue of the wet weather. I walked slowly to Sugi Drugstore, located Minami Morimachi. It's strange I found white golves on the pavement. I didn't give much thought about it and crossed the street. All of a sudden an elderly woman spoke to me and asked, "Grandpa! Aren't those white gloves yours?" I shooked my head on the double, but I wondered why on the earth she knew the gloves on the other side of the street. I was depressed all the more that she called me "Grandpa". It's too bad that she let me down. I said to myself, "I am not that old chap and could still hang around with young girls." Looking back on the incident, I must  have probably been  bending over forward because of the knee pain.

Second, sweet incident.
On the next day I went to my favorite dentist in Minoo for a routine check that lasted about an hour.
As I sat down on the dental chair, a young assistent came up and asked me to move my head backwards and lie down on the extended chair. Then she began cleaning up my teeth. At first she praised me and said, "Kaneko-san, Your teeth are in good condition. Looks like you brush the teeth well every day." I was relieved to hear that. But when she asked me to sit up for gargling, I kind of felt  ache in the knee. In the meantime she said triumphantly, "Kaneko-san, it's a shame but I found  tiny caries on the front tooth."
Now my favorite dentist is taking over the job. She explained to me gently, "I'll have to apply anesthesia to the tooth-gum, chip the decayed tooth and in the end take care of other teeth at free of charge." I was dissapointed because I don't like the smell of the substance. Furthermore when she injects anethesia, it aches a lot. On second thought, I said to myself, "Don't be sissy! After all I am a man and can still feel my cock hard." Now I have decided to take a treatment and said loudly  "I'm ready for the injection." Then the dentist asked me politely to sit up and said, "Kaneko-san, don't you ever be a Quickie" So much for today's treatment. We'll take care of your decayed tooth next time." I stood up and talked to her. Well, it was kind of small talk. She asked me, "Do you find the weather here in Minoo colder, when you come from City Osaka?" I answered, "Absolutely. But I don't care about it, because I like the fresh air here. Besides I can enjoy the beauftiful scenery." I was surprised to see her wearing something like a transparent protection mask, probably made of Polycarbonate. She looked like an astronaut. Anyway when she smiles at me, I'm extremely happy.
Now I'm looking forward to visiting the dentist again in two weeks.



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