
10月, 2015の投稿を表示しています


Oka-chin was one my best friends at Seikei School. He was kind of a swarthy good-looking boy. As a matter of fact he wanted to look like Troy Donahue, an American movie actor who starred in "Surf Side Six." I once visited his house in Kichijoji. Oka-chin said, "Hey Kinko (my nickname), you're always welcome. But don't wear an Aloha shirt when you come to see me." At that time Aloha shirts were in fashion, but only Yakusa wore them. His mother was an amicable person who came from Shizuoka Prefecture. Oka-chin often said that people in Shizuoka are good-natured because of the warm weather throughout the year. His father's profession was related with management of movie theaters. Thanks to Oka-chin he took me to various movie theaters in Tokyo. I was able to see a lot of movies for free. Firstly, we hanged around in the neighborhood of Shinjuku 3 Chome near Isetan Department Store. Then we went to see the movie entitled "Chushingura(忠臣蔵)". Se

Renovation of our Condo

Our condo was built in 2000 and it's time for maintenance. For the last three months the condo is being renovated. They put up iron poles around the condo to hold a gondola that goes up to as high as the 30th floor. I often bump into workmen with a helmet in the elevator and in the corridor. Sometimes one of the three elevators are used exclusively by them. That's a shame. They painted the walls near the elevators and hanged a sign, "Just painted!" I hate this unpleasant smell. It stinks a lot for a while. They used the gondola to climb up to the 20th floor where I live. The tiles on the balcony have been already removed. Soon they will conduct water-proof painting on the surface of the balcony. It'll take more 2 months before the whole job is done. I'm nervous when the gondola is going up and down. To protect privacy my wife and my daughter strictly lock their windows and draw their curtains. As for me it never bothers me watching the workmen hangrin

Memory of a Russian Email Friend

Her name is Natasha Koba, who is happily married to her husband with her son. We started exchanging email in 2002 when she lived in a city by the name of Novosibirsk, in the Siberian district. She is a dentist. Once she sent me a couple of her pictures .She was sitting on the bank by the river. She was surrounded by a lot of beautiful flowers on the plateau field that stretched as far as the eye could see. I have never seen such a big land. She looked chubby but intelligent. In return I sent her my family's pictures. At that time I worked for Teijin Medical in Saitama. Since I didn't get along with other young medical representative, I was no longer a saleman. I was only responsible for machine's maintenance. It was a dull and toilsome job because every day I visited a couple of patients' home to check oxgeon concentrater machine. To kill the time I wrote her email twice or three times a week. Suddenly my wife visited me from Osaka. As usual I got email from Natasha o

Chat with an Austrian Woman

The other day I surfed on Facebook. Then an interesting quiz popped up. "Who is the most suitable woman for you?" I hesitated for a moment, but I gave it a try. She turned out to be an Austrian woman by the name of Susanne Dobisch. Unlike a hot woman I expected, she looks reserved and intelligent. I looked into her personal file. Wow, she studied law at Vienna University and she's now an independent writer. Recently she started writing a book on a female lieutenannt in a monarchy in the middle Ages. It sounds thrilling and breath-taking, I thought. All of a sudden she poked at me. In return i poked at her by the same token. We repeated that 10 times. After that she started chatting with me in German. First of all we exchanged greetings, "How are you doing?" "Oh, I'm doing great" or something to the effect. Since I went on a honeymoon trip to Vienna in the 1970s and a lot of fun there, I flattered her on Austria. I said, "I have a wonderful