Memory of a Russian Email Friend

Her name is Natasha Koba, who is happily married to her husband with her son. We started exchanging email in 2002 when she lived in a city by the name of Novosibirsk, in the Siberian district. She is a dentist.
Once she sent me a couple of her pictures .She was sitting on the bank by the river. She was surrounded by a lot of beautiful flowers on the plateau field that stretched as far as the eye could see.
I have never seen such a big land. She looked chubby but intelligent. In return I sent her my family's pictures. At that time I worked for Teijin Medical in Saitama. Since I didn't get along with other young medical representative, I was no longer a saleman. I was only responsible for machine's maintenance. It was a dull and toilsome job because every day I visited a couple of patients' home to check oxgeon concentrater machine. To kill the time I wrote her email twice or three times a week. Suddenly my wife visited me from Osaka. As usual I got email from Natasha on that  day. I told her, "Not today, I am not in a mood to write to you, because...." My wife was curious and asked me, "Why are you banging away at the the keyboard? Let's go to a drive-in where we can eat lunch. I responded, "Wait a minute! I am writing a patients' report to my boss. The deadline is due today."
After my wife and I ate lunch, we came back to the company's apartment. I checked out on email just in case. Natasha wrote to me again. She said, "Your wife must be visiting you! hi hi hi. Spasibo! Have a nice time!" I was wondering why she knew that my wife was visiting me? Maybe women's intuition. Oh, never mind, it was the most thrilling moment cheating on my wife's back.
In the course of time I got a pink slip from the company and I left Saitama for Osaka where my wife and my daughter were living.
Nevertheless our corresponding continued. I was happy when Natasha sent me 2 CDs on Cachucha, typical Russian music. I felt like dancing Cossack. When I told her that my daughter was going to marry, she really thought of visiting Japan via Nahotoka to celebrate the marriage ceremony. Unfortunately the email exchange ended in 2006, because I complained her about my tinnitus. She just gave me tips, "Forget it. Learn to live with tinnitus."
In 2007 I traveld to Germany. On my way back from Frankfurt to Kansai Airport, I recall seeing the board sign saying, "We're flying over Novosibirsk." Immediately I moved to the window seat, because I wanted to have a close look at the city where Natasha lived. I peered out into the darkness.
I could see only a few lamps blinking. That's a shame.



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