Chat with an Austrian Woman

The other day I surfed on Facebook. Then an interesting quiz popped up. "Who is the most suitable woman for you?" I hesitated for a moment, but I gave it a try.
She turned out to be an Austrian woman by the name of Susanne Dobisch.
Unlike a hot woman I expected, she looks reserved and intelligent. I looked into her personal file. Wow, she studied law at Vienna University and she's now an independent writer. Recently she started writing a book on a female lieutenannt in a monarchy in the middle Ages. It sounds thrilling and breath-taking, I thought. All of a sudden she poked at me. In return i poked at her by the same token.
We repeated that 10 times. After that she started chatting with me in German.
First of all we exchanged greetings, "How are you doing?" "Oh, I'm doing great" or something to the effect. Since I went on a honeymoon trip to Vienna in the 1970s and a lot of fun there, I flattered her on Austria. I said, "I have a wonderful memory of your country, visiting Prater's Park, The Central Graveyard for classsical musicians and Schoen Brunn Castle." She thanked me for my comments, but she said, "Unfortunately Austria has changed a great deal since the 1970s." She brought up a subject concerning African and Arabic refugees that flood recently the European Continent. Now Austria belongs to the 7 richest nations in the world. Therefore the refugees rush to not only Austria but also to  Germany. She's afraid of conflicts between the Europeans and the refugees because of different religions, customs and languages. The biggest problems is racism. Actually the Europeans don't want any more the refugees coming into Europe. But they can not do that. For on the surface they respect democracy and equality of races. But remember what the Nazi did to the Jews during the 2nd World War. The evil spirits are still lingering on. That's why they can not forbid the raging refugees. On the contrary I raised a question that Japan also will be facing the same issue in future, such as Indonesians and Philippians coming into Japan. But she insisted that they can easily integrate to Japanese law. The Arabians and Muslims are another matter. They are a handful.
Last but not least it was mind-boggling to hear her saying that "in Europe the civil war breats out at any moment."  I thought I was lucky living peacefully  here in Osaka surrounded by Japan Sea that separates the Eurasian Continent from Japan.



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